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Athletics Highlights

The Durham Lords and our student-athletes make us proud every year, whether giving their all on the court and field or studying hard in the classroom.

The 2022-23 season was a remarkable one for our fall teams. The Durham Lords met no match on the rugby pitch, as both our men’s and women’s teams became Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA) champions. Our women’s softball team were silver medalists in the OCAA and qualified for nationals. Our golf team also made it to the national stage.

It was also a banner year for our winter sports teams. All four — men’s and women’s volleyball and basketball — finished in the top 10 of their highly competitive OCAA provincial rankings. The Durham Lords were the only OCAA program to accomplish that feat. The women’s volleyball team was particularly strong, finishing second with a sparkling 17-1 record.

Athletics Highlights Quote

Athletics made my experience at Durham College. Being part of the rugby team and the entire athletics community gave me confidence, a solid network and pride in my work. The experiences that I’ve had at Durham College will stick with me for my entire life.

Shay Morris, Early Childhood Education

The new campus softball facility officially opened in the fall, and over 30 alumni players attended along with former coaches and staff. With an artificial turf surface, new stadium lighting, batting cages, a digital scoreboard, fan seating and a media box, it’s a beautiful home for our 20-time OCAA champion women’s softball program.

The Athletics and Recreation department added another option for our students by establishing a Cricket Club program. Our first-ever competitive cricket team consisted of 16 players and competed in two outdoor tournaments this season, as well as an indoor event in February. More than 60 students belong to the DC cricket drop-in club at the Campus Field House.

We also partnered with Whitby’s Abilities Centre and their Academy for Student Athletics Development (ASAD) program, allowing DC’s varsity coaching staff and student-athletes to share their skills and experience with high-performance high school athletes. Our women’s volleyball program has partnered with the Abilities Centre to deliver clinics and volleyball training for athletes under the ASAD program.

From the Past Year