College Wellness Committee launches Mental Health and Well-being Framework

This message is being shared on behalf of Tara Koski, dean, Students. Questions can be directed to

At Durham College (DC), we understand that all members of the college community play an active and vital role in supporting the mental health and wellness of our students and employees.

Established in 2020, the College Wellness Committee (CWC) is committed to supporting the mental health and well-being of all members of Durham College’s campus community and promoting best practices to foster resilience. The Mental Health and Well-being Framework, developed based on the National Standard of Canada, outlines the guiding principles under which DC operates in order to protect and promote wellness within the campus community.

This philosophy provides a strong foundation upon which to expand DC’s efforts and commitment to the goal of an inclusive, robust and flexible framework and set of services that meets the needs of all members of the DC community.

Learn more about the mental health and wellness services available to DC students.