Registration for spring/summer semester parking permits

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Parking permits for Durham College (DC) students for the spring/summer 2022 semester are now available to purchase for both Oshawa and Whitby campuses.


If you are a current annual parking pass holder, no action is required.

If you are a current winter semester parking pass holder:

  • You can extend your current pass to cover the spring/summer semester (May to August) by contacting the IPASS office at 416.243.6990 or Precise Parklink at 1.888.783.7275.
  • As a reminder, the winter semester pass expires Saturday, April 30.

If you do not already have a winter or annual parking pass:

  • You can purchase a spring/summer semester pass by registering and paying for your pass online through IPASS.
  • When registering, you must use your email address and have your nine-digit student number ready.
  • You can choose to pay in full or set up equal monthly payments through credit card or pre-authorized payment.
  • Those purchasing spring/summer semester parking permits must ensure the activation date on the IPASS application indicates May 1, 2022.
  • After completing the registration, you will receive an approval email within 24 to 48 hours.
  • Access cards or hang tags will be provided at no charge. Replacement cards can be requested for $25.
  • Please pick up your access card or hang tag prior to Monday, May 2 at the Parking Office either in the Gordon Willey building at the Oshawa campus, or the main building at the Whitby campus between Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


  • Available in:
    • pay-and-display lots
    • gated lots
  • Fee: $5 per hour ($18 daily maximum between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m.; $3 maximum between 5 p.m. and 5 a.m.).
  • Tap debit and credit card payment is now available at exit gates.
  • Pay stations accept cash, coins, debit and credit cards. They are located in the Founders 2 lot (south-east corner), and Commencement lot at the Oshawa campus. At the Whitby campus, a pay station is available inside the main building entrance.



PLEASE NOTE: These parking lots are monitored and patrolled by Campus Security and Durham Region Police Services.

Founders 2  $325
Founders 4 – Campus Ice Centre (CIC)  $300
Founders 5 – North CIC  $200
Commencement  $325
Simcoe Village  $300
Whitby Main  $300
Ball Diamond  $300