Reminder: Apply for the City of Oshawa Centennial Award

The City of Oshawa is honouring its centennial year by awarding two local post-secondary students with the Oshawa Centennial Award.  

The awards will recognize Oshawa students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, community service, leadership potential and display financial need. This is a one-time funded award made available for 2024. Eligible students are encouraged to apply before the deadline, January 8 at 5 p.m. 


Applicants will: 

  • Be an Oshawa resident who graduated from an Oshawa high school 
  • Have applied to an undergraduate degree/diploma program at Durham College for the Fall 2023 intake. 
  • Have demonstrated superior academic achievement (B average of equivalent standard) from your first semester of college. 
  • Have demonstrated leadership through community service or excellence in the arts, sports, or other areas of individual achievement.


Applicants will be asked to speak to the above criteria using a written statement (maximum 500 words) or video submission (3–5 minutes long). References may be requested. 

Two awards of $2,000 each are available for the year. The award will be presented on the City of Oshawa’s 100th Anniversary on March 8. 

Application Process 

PLEASE NOTE: Incomplete application forms will not be considered. 

Applications are due by January 8 at 5 p.m. 

Applicants for this award must submit their electronic application package to the interim director, Student and Career Development via email,

Your application package must contain: 

  • Name and Student Number 
  • Program of Study 
  • Written Statement or Video Submission 
  • Proof of Graduation from an Oshawa High School (photo of diploma, transcript etc.)

For more information about Student Leadership Awards and how to apply, visit: