Drop-in Peer Coaching
Come meet with a peer coach for help with time management, organization, scheduling, prioritizing class work, assignment clarification, DC Connect/MyCampus orientation, or study skills. No commitment - just drop-in when needed Format: Drop-In - to join press link below: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3aPLjdZ22UvX9jv973B0kK99xbee5DhWo191IKi-7zigQ1%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=32b5b2af-e604-407f-bd14-d49764f52d12&tenantId=49bba7a4-424b-4070-a70e-886e9dd7caef Led by peer coach Nadia Sifr
Peer Social Group
Take a break from studying and come join the Access and Support Centre Peer Social Group. This is an in-person social group for students who like to have fun and meet new people. Join us each week for various games and activities. Days: Tuesdays from May 24 to August 9, from 11 a.m. to noon […]
Virtual Drop-In Peer Coaching
Come meet with a peer coach for help with time management, organization, scheduling, prioritizing and assignment clarification or DC Connect/MyCampus orientation. No commitment - Virtual Drop-in sessions on Microsoft Teams. Day: Mondays from May 30 to August 8, from 5-6 p.m. To join, please click on the link Click here to join the meeting
Peer Social Group
Take a break from studying and come join the Access and Support Centre Peer Social Group. This is an in-person social group for students who like to have fun and meet new people. Join us each week for various games and activities. Days: Tuesdays from May 24 to August 9, from 11 a.m. to noon […]
Virtual Drop-In Peer Coaching
Come meet with a peer coach for help with time management, organization, scheduling, prioritizing and assignment clarification or DC Connect/MyCampus orientation. No commitment - Virtual Drop-in sessions on Microsoft Teams. Day: Mondays from May 30 to August 8, from 5-6 p.m. To join, please click on the link Click here to join the meeting
Peer Social Group
Take a break from studying and come join the Access and Support Centre Peer Social Group. This is an in-person social group for students who like to have fun and meet new people. Join us each week for various games and activities. Days: Tuesdays from May 24 to August 9, from 11 a.m. to noon […]
Virtual Drop-In Peer Coaching
Come meet with a peer coach for help with time management, organization, scheduling, prioritizing and assignment clarification or DC Connect/MyCampus orientation. No commitment - Virtual Drop-in sessions on Microsoft Teams. Day: Mondays from May 30 to August 8, from 5-6 p.m. To join, please click on the link Click here to join the meeting
Peer Social Group
Take a break from studying and come join the Access and Support Centre Peer Social Group. This is an in-person social group for students who like to have fun and meet new people. Join us each week for various games and activities. Days: Tuesdays from May 24 to August 9, from 11 a.m. to noon […]
Virtual Drop-In Peer Coaching
Come meet with a peer coach for help with time management, organization, scheduling, prioritizing and assignment clarification or DC Connect/MyCampus orientation. No commitment - Virtual Drop-in sessions on Microsoft Teams. Day: Mondays from May 30 to August 8, from 5-6 p.m. To join, please click on the link Click here to join the meeting
Peer Social Group
Take a break from studying and come join the Access and Support Centre Peer Social Group. This is an in-person social group for students who like to have fun and meet new people. Join us each week for various games and activities. Days: Tuesdays from May 24 to August 9, from 11 a.m. to noon […]