- No events scheduled for February 25, 2022.
- No events scheduled for February 26, 2022.
- No events scheduled for February 27, 2022.
Week of Events
Enhance Your Self-Esteem
Enhance Your Self-Esteem
Living through this pandemic can make us feel alone and hopeless and can also affect our selfesteem in many ways. In this group you will learn about self-esteem and ways that you can change negatives into positives. Each week you will be introduced to healthy self-esteem strategies with a creative twist that will help build […]
Take a Wellness Break
Take a Wellness Break
Take a break from your busy schedule to regroup and check in with yourself. Drop in and join us to participate in activities that are creative and relaxing and help us reconnect with ourselves. We will engage in a new activity each week like journal prompts, meditation, vision boards, scavenger hunts and much more. Format: […]
ASC Social Meet-Up Group
ASC Social Meet-Up Group
Take this opportunity to meet some new people and have some fun. Join us each week for various games and activities including Dominoes, Kahoot, Scrabble, Psych and a lot more. Format: Drop-In - to join press link below: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3aSMeDtiAwBFgHJUF3UiznWG17Td6hxHhdBQ8OBskGiWg1%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=9778a2fb-937b-4d1f-8b8c-1eab8abc2822&tenantId=49bba7a4-424b-4070-a70e-886e9dd7caef Led by peer coach Garcia Rapheal
Drop-in Peer Coaching
Drop-in Peer Coaching
Come meet with a peer coach for help with time management, organization, scheduling, prioritizing class work, assignment clarification, DC Connect/MyCampus orientation, or study skills. No commitment - just drop-in when needed Format: Drop-In - to join press link below: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3aPLjdZ22UvX9jv973B0kK99xbee5DhWo191IKi-7zigQ1%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=32b5b2af-e604-407f-bd14-d49764f52d12&tenantId=49bba7a4-424b-4070-a70e-886e9dd7caef Led by peer coach Nadia Sifr
ADHD Support Group
ADHD Support Group
This virtual group meets twice monthly (every other Wednesday afternoon) to discuss challenges and strategies for managing ADHD. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with other students, share resources and experiences. Enhance self-esteem in a supportive and encouraging environment. Format: Registration required - to register email shayna.golding@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca Led by ASC Counsellor Shayna Golding
Understanding Your LD
Understanding Your LD
Are you having difficulty understanding your psycho-educational assessment? What does having a Learning Disability mean and how can you use this information to help yourself at college. Come join us as we break down your psycho-educational assessment and explore the various strategies and accommodations that can best support your learning. Format: Registration required - to […]
Drop-in Peer Coaching
Drop-in Peer Coaching
Come meet with a peer coach for help with time management, organization, scheduling, prioritizing class work, assignment clarification, DC Connect/MyCampus orientation, or study skills. No commitment - just drop-in when needed Format: Drop-In - to join press link below: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3aPLjdZ22UvX9jv973B0kK99xbee5DhWo191IKi-7zigQ1%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=32b5b2af-e604-407f-bd14-d49764f52d12&tenantId=49bba7a4-424b-4070-a70e-886e9dd7caef Led by peer coach Nadia Sifr