As of November 22, all Durham College (DC) faculty members have access to TurningPoint, a polling software solution for interactive participation in the classroom commonly referred to as 'clickers.' DC has used a hardware-based version of TurningPoint for many years. Now that mobile technology is more attainable, TurningPoint has evolved to support the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) model.
What is TurningPoint?
TurningPoint provides live polling and interactive activities for use in the classroom via a web-based polling system or through PowerPoint Integration.
Why use TurningPoint?
You may be using different polling technologies in your classroom, such as Mentimeter, Socrative, NearPod, Kahoot, Tophat, and others. The benefit of using TurningPoint is that it is paid for by the college and supported by our service desk. Having consistency in tool usage for students is also a benefit, given that students will not have to learn how to use the tool each time it is used.
What are some examples of how TurningPoint could be used in the classroom?
Interactive polling software can be used for many different use cases to help you achieve specific outcomes in your teaching. For example:
- Creating an active learning environment ;
- Encouraging participation from all students in a large class;
- Engaging students with competitions;
- Preparing for a test with practice questions;
- Checking for understanding of a topic;
- Monitoring attendance; and
- Applying case studies to promote critical thinking.
Looking for support on creating good questions to use for polling students? Here is a great resource: An Instructors Guide to the Effective Use of Personal Response Systems (Clickers) in Teaching
Want to use TurningPoint in your class?
We are piloting a process to share licences across the college. This pilot will assign licences for a duration of one week, one week at a time. There is no limit to the number of requests you can make in a semester. For example, if you want to use TurningPoint in every class for the week, you would need to request the licences on a Friday for the following week.
The Process to Obtain licences
- Create an instructor account with TurningPoint using your Durham College email;
- Allowing for 48 hours' notice, contact the Service Desk (, indicate the subject as: TurningPoint Booking. In the Email provide the following information:
- Employee ID:
- Name:
- Number of students in your class(es):
- Indicate the dates that you want to use the tool;
- Start Date and Time:
- End Date and Time:
- Version of Turning Point you want to use (New Online BYOD or Traditional Clicker):
- Service desk will then assign you the number of licences requested, if available. You can then see the number of licences assigned to you in your account.
Note: if you want to use BYOD, indicate whether you have created an instructor account (step 1 above)
If you have feedback on the process, please advise
Getting Started with TurningPoint
After obtaining licences for your class, here are the next steps:
- Download and install TurningPoint Desktop. You can also use the online version but note that some features are limited and may only exist in the destop version.
- If you would like to incorporate TurningPoint into your PowerPoints, here are some quick help topics to get you started:
- Inserting a polling slide
- Running a slideshow, Also check out the quick PDF guide.
- Saving a PowerPoint Session
- If you would like to use the Anywhere Polling feature check out these help topics
- If you would like to use the Self-Paced Polling feature check out these help topics
Pro Tip: Check out their interactive manual where you can search for any help topics.
Frequently Asked Questions
Visit or open your TurningPoint App, and enter the session ID provided to you by your instructor.
Here is some information if they are using the Android APP or iOS APP
TurningPoint is a PowerPoint add-in that must be started separately by first opening the TurningPoint program and then selecting your PowerPoint.
- Launch the TurningPoint program
- Click on the PowerPoint Polling tile to launch PowerPoint.
TurningPoint PowerPoint presentations can be run by following a 4-step process.
- Launch the TurningPoint application
- Enable your mobile session. Take note of your Session id, you will need to communicate this to your students.
- Click on the PowerPoint Polling tile, and then open your presentation
- Reset your session. Click on file -> Reset Session
- Once you complete these 4 steps, you can start your presentation in slideshow mode, and obtain responses from your students!
Rarely, PowerPoint may experience a short delay in communication with TurningPoint upon start-up, and as a result, will disable the TurningPoint add-in.
To re-enable it, follow these steps.
- Launch PowerPoint
- Click on file -> options
- Click on the Add-ins tab on the left
- At the bottom, you will see Manage: COM Add-ins. Select Go…
- If TurningPoint does not have a check mark, check it, and click OK.
- If this doesn’t work, repeat steps 1-3
- Click on the COM Add-ins drop down, and switch it to Disabled Items and select Go…
- If you see TurningPoint here, click on it, and choose Enable
Additional Resources
Resources on how to use TurningPoint are available on the Turning Technologies training and support website. The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) will be hosting training sessions throughout December and January, check our website for up-to-date training dates.
Do you have feedback about TurningPoint or a success story? Please let us know by contacting! We'd love to feature your experience in CTL Monthly.
Getting Help
If you have technical issues with TurningPoint please email the I.T. Service Desk or call 905.721.3333. Please Visit their website at for more information on their hours of operation.
If you have questions or need help incorporating TurningPoint into your classroom please email