Chemical Institute of Canada award winners credit DC training for their success Posted on December 21, 2016 at 8:44 am. Durham College’s four winners of the 2016 Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) say they were well prepared by their college professors. The CIC winners are: Chemical Laboratory Technician program students Da Eun Chung, who won the silver medal, and Brittney Richards, who won the book prize; Chemical Engineering Technology program students Natasha Beattie, who won the silver medal, and Kelsey Henderson, who won the book prize. Silver medals are presented to the top students completing their final year at each Canadian college in chemical technology or related programs. Book prizes are presented to the student at each Canadian college completing her or his final year while demonstrating the greatest improvement overall. Brittney said Durham College (DC) professors really motivated her to improve. “The profs teach us to really think outside of the box. They tell us to think “why” you’re doing something beyond the assignment that we are working on.” Kelsey agreed saying, “Professors push and encourage us to achieve. They make you want to work harder.” Da Eun said, “The attention to detail required in my lab courses came in especially handy while I was sifting through records and filling out spreadsheets in my work-study job in the president’s office.” Natasha added that DC’s environment is very positive for students and its programs are well known. “I love Chemistry – so I came here.” Each year the Chemical Institute of Canada administers awards and competitions to recognize the outstanding contributions by students at Canadian universities and colleges. The CIC is a national not-for-profit organization committed to advancing chemical sciences and engineering through its constituent societies in chemistry, chemical engineering, and chemical technology. Durham Men of Harmony make donation to Communicative Disorders Assistant program Posted on December 20, 2016 at 9:00 am. Durham College’s (DC) Communicative Disorders Assistant (CDA) graduate certificate program has once again received a generous $2,500 donation from The Durham Men of Harmony, on behalf of the Barbershop Harmony Society’s Harmonize for Speech fund. “This donation has and continues to help in providing our students with additional learning opportunities and materials,” said Sherry Hinman, professor and interim program coordinator of the CDA program. “The items we are able to purchase using the donation allow current, as well as future students the opportunity to excel during their time at the college and succeed in the field following graduation.” Items purchased using the annual donation include The Baby Signing Book, authored by former CDA professor Sara Bingham and received by all students in the program; two iPads which students practice on as the device is used by patients with difficulty communicating verbally; and a one-day workshop for students led by world-renowned speaker, Debra Goshulak from The Speech and Stuttering Institute to speak about motor speech disorders and therapy in preschool children. The CDA program is a one-year, three-semester graduate certificate program that prepares students for work, under the guidance of qualified speech-language pathologists and/or audiologists, providing speech and language therapy to children and adults. The Harmonize for Speech fund was established nearly 40 years ago as a fundraising project of the Barbershop Harmony Society and continues to provide support for various organizations and projects. DC helps make it a ‘Merry Little Christmas’ for a local woman hoping to attend college Posted on December 16, 2016 at 10:14 am. On December 15, Durham College (DC) helped make the holidays a little merrier for a local high school student with dreams of attending DC to study nursing. The college welcomed Samantha Garrow to its Oshawa campus where a smiling crew, including DC President Don Lovisa, was waiting to take her on a tour, offer guidance on planning for her post-secondary studies, and present her with a tuition certificate to the college. Earlier in the month, Garrow was nominated and selected to receive some extra help this holiday season as part of Toronto-based 99.9 Virgin Radio’s annual Merry Little Christmas campaign. Garrow’s incredible story of pursuing her education while also caring for her young daughter on her own included a wish to someday study nursing at DC. Ross Carnwith, manager of Ancillary Services with the college, was listening that morning. He was so inspired by what he heard that he took quick action to bring Garrow’s story to the attention of his DC colleagues. “When Ross shared Samantha’s story and wish to study at Durham College, we were moved to reach out to her,” said Lovisa. “She is working incredibly hard to earn her high school diploma and realize her educational goals so that she can make a better life for her daughter and herself. As a college, we are committed to giving back to the community, particularly during this season of giving, and are proud to be able to offer her some assistance.” With the help of Virgin Radio’s morning show, Tucker in the Morning, DC was able to connect with Garrow. While visiting the college’s campus, she was given a glimpse into what a future studying at DC could look like as well as information on the admissions requirements and process related to DC’s Practical Nursing program. “I am overwhelmed with everything that’s been going on,” said Garrow. “I can’t even express how grateful I am.” More than 150 participated in Ho Ho Ho Holiday Hullabaloo in support of campus Holiday Food Drive Posted on December 15, 2016 at 8:47 am. The Centre for Food (CFF) at Durham College (DC) has announced the winners of its second-annual Gingerbread Competition at the Ho Ho Ho Holiday Hullaballoo, in support of the campus Holiday Food Drive. The Gingerbread Competition and Ho Ho Ho Holiday Hullabaloo were part of the Gingerbread Festival hosted by the CFF. The Gingerbread Competition was lead by CFF professor and Chef Tanya Heck and the Ho Ho Ho Holiday Hullabaloo was lead by Kolleen Brunton, also a CFF professor, with the support of Event Management students. “The Ho Ho Ho Holiday Hullabaloo (on Nov. 26) hosted over 150 people, of whom 100 were children who were very excited and happy to be able to kick off the holiday season. The event raised over $400 for the campus Holiday Food Drive, as well as many pounds of non-perishable food items,” said Brunton. “It was a morning filled with pictures with Santa, character visits from Elsa, Olaf, Batman and Superman, crafts, cookie decorating, and much more fun!” Chef Heck said, “The Gingerbread Competition was a great success with 28 competitors. The houses entered this year were absolutely amazing and only a few points separated the top 10. A big thank you to our judges: pastry Chef Georg Krohn, Culinary Management program Advisory Committee member; Marco Cassano, owner of Anninas Bakeshop, in Goodwood; and Chef David Hawey, CFF professor. They did not have an easy job this year.” She added, “I would like to personally congratulate all of the gingerbread house entrants on a job well done. So many creative and elaborate houses really made this event shine.” Gingerbread Competition winners High school division: First Place – Connor Grimes and Riley Hennessy, of East Northumberland Secondary School, in Brighton. Second Place – Sarah Cooke and Emily Doris, of Saint Peter’s Catholic Secondary School, in Peterborough. Third Place and People’s Choice Award (as voted on by Hullabaloo attendees) – Kacey Payne, of Henry Street High School, in Whitby. DC student winners were: First place – Tori Richards, School of Business, IT & Management. Second Place – Christina Coughlan, Centre for Food. Third Place – Ryan Cullen and Ryan Koyangi, Horticulture – Food and Farming; Amanda Fuller and Amy Tripp, 911 Emergency and Call Centre Communications; and Kenzie Pasco, Contemporary Web Design. DC staff winners: First Place – Kelly O’Brien, CFF Second Place – Kolleen Brunton, CFF All gingerbread houses were donated by the entrants to the Silent Auction with proceeds from it going to the campus Holiday Food Drive. A year of accomplishment for DC student musician Cale Crowe Posted on December 7, 2016 at 9:47 am. As his last live performance of the year quickly approaches, Durham College (DC) student Cale Crowe feels confident about setting new goals for 2017. On Friday, December 30, the third-year Music Business Management (MBM) student will play his 112th show of the year at Oshawa’s The Moustache Club, greatly surpassing his goal of doing 100 shows in 2016. In addition to besting his goal, Crowe also landed a plum MBM work placement position at Warner Music Canada as a digital marketing intern. “I wouldn’t have been able to land this internship if it wasn’t for my program at DC,” said the modern folk-rock troubadour, who has several videos on YouTube. “The MBM program has taught me how to be a better speaker and listener. The classes also provide safe learning spaces where it’s acceptable to make mistakes and to learn from them. The professors are there to not only share their knowledge, but to make sure students understand it, and that’s because they care about both the students and the future of the music industry.” Crowe’s placement has allowed him to connect with people in different departments at Warner Music Canada and gain diverse experience. “A lot of my job involves collecting raw data and helping my superiors and supervisors analyze and interpret it. I’ve also done some work with the A&R [Artists & Repertoire] department.” His studies and training at DC have provided him with a foundation for a career and a life in music that he has always wanted, said Crowe, who was born and raised in Alderville, near Cobourg, and performs regularly in Kingston, Peterborough and Oshawa. While 2016 has been a very good year for him, 2015 wasn’t bad either as Crowe released his debut album, Stars and Promises, which is available on iTunes. Looking ahead, as he prepares to graduate in 2017, Crowe feels positive about his life in music. “I crave the atmosphere that surrounds the music industry – be it live performance or administrative work, or something in between, as long as I’m contributing to music I will be satisfied.” Crowe says he may even set a goal of 200 live shows in the New Year. Photo credit: Lana Missen Campus community celebrates newest athletics facility Posted on November 30, 2016 at 11:37 am. The impressive list of leading-edge athletics facilities at Durham College’s (DC) Oshawa campus grew this fall with the opening of the Campus Fieldhouse, a multi-sport turf centre that the college shares with the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). Formerly the Campus Tennis Centre, the transformed facility features two playing fields that can accommodate a variety of intramural sports and activities including soccer, field lacrosse, ultimate frisbee, flag football and bubble soccer, among others. An official opening for the Campus Fieldhouse was held on November 24, which included a ribbon-cutting by Don Lovisa, president, Durham College and Tim McTiernan, president and vice-chancellor, UOIT. The celebration also saw students participate in an exciting score-to-win contest and an intramural game of soccer. “We are excited to celebrate the opening of the Campus Fieldhouse, a facility that opens up a new world of athletic and recreational opportunities for our students,” said Ken Babcock, director, Campus Athletics. “Transitioning the tennis centre into the fieldhouse has been a positive move for students on campus. This is a facility that will serve as a hub for community activities for years to come.” When not being used by the Department of Athletics, the Campus Fieldhouse is available to be rented by community recreational leagues and other sport organizations. It can even be rented for birthday party celebrations. To learn more about Campus Fieldhouse availability, contact Marta Prado or call 905.721.3122. Facility updates are also posted at Campus Fieldhouse facts and benefits: Creates new recreational space for students at the Oshawa campus that can be used year-round. Provides new opportunities for students and the community to participate in a wide variety of sports and activities. Available for varsity athletic teams to train and prepare for competition, including the DC Lords. Approximate size of turf field: two adjacent fields, each measuring 30 metres wide by 45 metres long, separated by a vertical net. Turf composition: artificial sand-based infill grass system (similar to the surface used by the Toronto Blue Jays at the Rogers Centre). Change room onsite. Hours: 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., seven days a week. The Campus Fieldhouse sports bubble is located along Founders Drive, near the Campus Ice Centre and Vaso’s Field (north of Conlin Road and west of Simcoe Street). DC grad awarded by gallery for her creative photography Posted on November 29, 2016 at 8:54 am. Durham College (DC) graduate Stephanie Foden has been recognized for finding art from behind the camera. The 2011 graduate of Media Art and Design’s (MAD) Print and Broadcast Journalism program, has won the Emerging Photographer Award at this year’s Robert McLaughlin Gallery (RMG) Exposed photography exhibition and auction on November 12. The award prize is a solo exhibition at the Oshawa gallery during the Contact Photography Festival in May. She also won the Community Choice Award as voted on by attendees of RMG Exposed. Foden said the college’s programs, resources and staff enabled her to explore many facets of media work. “I had some wonderful profs in my first and second years, such as Brian Legree (Journalism) and Gerry Rose (retired, Journalism professor and program coordinator).” She especially credits her third-year broadcast professor, Anna Rodrigues, for inspiring her to progress as a professional. “She’s a very innovative teacher and is always looking for new media and different forms of storytelling,” said Foden. “With an open mind, I explored each field of journalism. I easily took to photography more than anything else. The ability to rent equipment and explore this possible career option helped my decision.” In her third year, she focused on photojournalism learning valuable skills such as blogging, social media and how to integrate different forms of media into her storytelling. “I also learned more about being a documentarian and long-form storytelling, which I enjoy more than anything,” explained Foden, adding that she also enjoyed her college field placement at Canadian Geographic in Ottawa. “They had me working on incredible stories for both the magazine and multimedia for their website. After the internship they sent me on assignment and it was an amazing way to start my career off.” Following graduation, she was hired as the managing editor of Downtown Oshawa News (DON). DON was developed by Rodrigues with funding from DC’s research and innovation funds as a project-based learning experience for journalism students. Foden is currently planning her solo exhibition for the RMG in the spring, and is working on a personal project in Brazil. “I hope to continue to progress as a photojournalist, both working on personal work and assignments.” Her RMG awards are an example of the valuable community relationship the gallery and the college have. “As a former associate dean of MAD and this year’s Chair of RMG Exposed, I was particularly pleased with Stephanie’s award-winning work,” said Charlotte Hale. DC has been a sponsor of the RMG Exposed event for seven years. Students in the Fine Arts – Advanced program in the School of Media, Art & Design are given memberships and use the gallery for research and exhibitions throughout the year. Students also connect with local young artists, writers, photographers and musicians at RMG Fridays, in which live music, interactive art and social networking occur each month. Durham College forges stronger ties with Irish institutions Posted on November 29, 2016 at 8:38 am. Expanded international opportunities for student exchange and research collaboration in Ireland are on the horizon following the signing of a new agreement by Durham College (DC), the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) and the Technological University for Dublin Alliance. The signing was conducted as part of the Higher Education in Transformation Symposium (HEIT), held in November that saw DC and UOIT jointly host their counterparts from Ireland to explore new ways of improving all aspects of higher education – from curriculum and pedagogy to student experience supports. HEIT spawned robust discussion between academic leaders, as well as Canadian and Irish government officials, including Jim Kelly, Ireland’s Ambassador to Canada, who was included among the many speakers at HEIT. Key topics of discussion at the symposium included: Creating new higher education programs to meet 21st-century demands. Keeping up with rapid technological changes to ensure students receive a cutting-edge education. Building on unique, hybrid post-secondary relationships, such as the DC-UOIT example as well as Ireland’s new trilateral Technological University for Dublin Alliance. As part of HEIT, the college and university signed an international Memorandum of Understanding with their Irish counterparts to create the Canada-Ireland Centre for Higher Education Policy and Practice. The centre will promote inter-institutional research collaborations, joint publications, joint conferences and international exchange opportunities for faculty, staff and students. Its activities will also focus on exploring new initiatives in higher education policy and practice in both countries, and more broadly. Grad credits DC for preparing her for a new career at Global News Posted on November 28, 2016 at 10:55 am. Recent graduate Katie Scott is applying what she learned in the Broadcasting – Radio and Contemporary Media program at Durham College (DC) to her new career as a national online journalist covering entertainment and lifestyle stories at “My Durham College education prepared me for my current role at Global News by teaching me the skills I needed in order to land an internship and stand out from the crowd,” said the 2016 graduate. (The program was formerly Broadcasting for Contemporary Media.) “My DC education taught me a lot about meeting deadlines in the broadcasting industry. I was also able to explore every aspect of broadcasting before deciding which part of the industry I wanted to work in,” she said. “I love entertainment and I was very happy that a lot of my projects at DC encouraged me to report on my favourite celebrities. I also felt that having a radio show on Riot Radio, called Spill The Tea, was an amazing experience and allowed me to teach others about the entertainment industry while debating hip-hop topics with my two co-hosts,” she said. Scott added that she loves the diversity of her work at Global News, where she did her field placement as part of the college’s program. “In my work, an average week consists of pitching and writing stories about anything that is happening in the entertainment industry or viral videos. I come into work every morning and I discuss the trending stories for the day with my editor and we discuss what topics are worth covering. We also work with the online video team to create video content for the stories we publish, sometimes doing voice-overs.” As a part of Corus Entertainment, her stories are also available on SoCast radio outlet websites and Facebook pages, such as those belonging to Q107 and Fresh FM. Scott says that she has already learned so much from her editors as she continues to hone her skills. But it was her start at DC that put her on a pathway to success in her new career. “I would love to come to speak to DC students about what I do. In fact, one of my teachers from the program, Anna Rodrigues, has asked me to come in and speak to interns getting ready for their field placements next semester.” Phil Raby, professor and program co-ordinator of DC’s Broadcasting – Radio and Contemporary Media (BRCM), said, “Our BRCM is one of the few two-year diploma programs in Canada that teaches not only traditional radio and television production, but also a variety of content creation skills for new and emerging online media.” He added, “Passionate and driven students like Katie, who make the most of that training, wind up with a diverse set of skills and knowledge that make them very desirable prospects for a wide variety of forward-thinking employers like Corus Entertainment.” Durham College breaks ground for its new Centre for Collaborative Education Posted on November 25, 2016 at 2:25 pm. Members of the Durham College (DC) community, including retirees, alumni, students, employees, elected officials, and industry and community partners, gathered on November 25 to celebrate the official groundbreaking for DC’s new Centre for Collaborative Education (CFCE). The event marked the start of a new chapter at DC while also honouring its past. The CFCE, a legacy project tied to DC’s 50th anniversary in 2017, will replace the aging Simcoe building, which has long been at the heart of the college’s Oshawa campus. “When I reflect on how our small community college has evolved over the past 50 years into a leading post-secondary institution serving communities locally, nationally and even worldwide, I can’t help but wonder what the next 50 years will bring,” said Don Lovisa, president, DC. Lovisa added that while there are many exciting changes ahead for DC, one thing will remain constant – the college will always maintain its commitment to ensuring the student experience comes first. “Staying true to our mission will be vital to ensuring our students achieve success, and together we can elevate a thriving Durham community for the prosperity of future generations,” he said. The groundbreaking commenced with a blessing offered by Kim Wheatley, an Anishinaabe Traditional Grandmother, to honour the territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation on which the college sits and was followed by hot beverages for all and a toast from Lovisa to DC’s past, present and future. The event also included a piece of the Simcoe building being removed that will be incorporated into the new CFCE, a symbolic integration of the old with the new. A crossroad of education, services, supports and community, the CFCE will serve as a unique academic and cultural access point for students that brings together local, Indigenous and global community groups along with members of key business sectors. DC thanks everyone who was able to attend the CFCE ground breaking celebration and who have contributed to the college over the past 50 years. Together we are building something amazing. « 1 … 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 … 166 »