Durham College to build Centre for Collaborative Education at Oshawa campus

Durham College announced today that it has received $22 million in funding from the provincial government toward the construction of the Centre for Collaborative Education (CFCE) at the Oshawa campus. The announcement, which was made by Reza Moridi, minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, at an event held at the Oshawa campus this morning, represents one of the largest investments in DC by the provincial government since the college opened its doors in 1967.

The CFCE will replace the college’s aging Simcoe building, which was originally built as a temporary structure and opened in 1969. The new three-storey facility, a legacy project tied to DC’s 50th anniversary in 2017, will bring together local, Indigenous and global communities, providing a new home for several of the college’s innovative and ground-breaking programs.

“Although our Simcoe building has served us very well over the past 50 years, leaving behind a wonderful legacy of teaching, learning and memories for our students, faculty members and administrative staff, it has reached its end of life,” said Don Lovisa, president, DC. “As we prepare to celebrate DC’s 50th anniversary in 2017, we are excited to bridge our past with our future through the creation of a new facility where students, employees and the broader community can work together in ways that transcend traditional concepts of education. On behalf of everyone at DC, I extend my sincere thanks to the provincial government for its wonderful support in bringing our vision for the Centre for Collaborative Education to life.”

DC has continued to experience tremendous growth year after year. This includes the addition of more than 40 new programs in high-demand and emerging areas of study; expanding its daily academic hours; increasing the number of students enrolled in both summer and winter-month programs; and adding more than 3,000 post-secondary registration spaces since 2008.  

“In addition to creating a strong need for physical infrastructure at the Oshawa campus, our significant growth has positioned Durham College as a college of choice for students in Durham Region and well beyond,” said Lovisa. “The new Centre for Collaborative Education is a direct reflection of that growth combined with our ongoing commitment to building a high-quality and sustainable post-secondary education system that meets the needs of our students, the local community and today’s economy.

The CFCE will house the following:

  • The Aboriginal Student Centre.
  • The Entrepreneurship Centre including the Spark Centre.
  • Global, Open and Collaborative Space that will enable faculty, students and the broader community to use technology in creative ways to gain unprecedented access to students, educators, thought leaders, subject matter experts and other visionaries from more than 40 countries around the world.
  • Health science facilities including state-of-the art classrooms and labs.
  • Foundation programs designed to prepare students for the continuation of post-secondary education at college or university.

Final plans and costs for the project are still being determined including ongoing work with the government to obtain additional funding. In addition, the college will be launching a capital campaign designed to raise financial support for the construction of the building in partnership with individuals, corporations, community partners and alumni over a two-year period.  

DC students can now pay for school via Aeroplan© Miles

While it’s no secret that Aeroplan© Miles and TD Points can be used toward the purchase of airline flights to exotic destinations, Durham College (DC) students can now use them for something a little closer to home – the cost of their college tuition.

Thanks to a new agreement between DC and HigherEdPoints.com, students now have the option to redeem their Aeroplan© Miles and TD Points into credits that can be used toward their program fees. As an example, 35,000 Aeroplan© Miles translates into $250 worth of credits.  Students can also redeem Aeroplan© Miles and TD Points from family members and friends to help cover their educational costs since anyone can donate their points to an individual student or to a DC student in need.

In addition, students can also use HigherEdPoints.com to pay off portions of their Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) loans, either while they are still in school to get a head start on reducing their debt load or after they graduate.

“This partnership is another example of the innovative ways we can support students in funding their post-secondary education,” said Norah Warmuth, manager, Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable, Durham College. “HigherEdPoints are a complement to the range of financial payment options available at the college, providing our students with one more avenue to ensure they can access one of our more than 140 market-driven programs.”

To learn more about the HigherEdPoints.com program at DC, please visit: http://www.higheredpoints.com/.

DC paramedic students showcase life-saving skills at national competition

Once again, Durham College (DC) Paramedic and Paramedic – Advanced Care students were among the winners at this year’s National Paramedic Competition, which was held on April 9 at DC’s Oshawa campus.

The competition saw 34 teams of professional and student paramedics from across Canada put their medical knowledge and skills to the test in a competitive format. Crews of student paramedics, along with professionals in advanced and primary care, all competed in scenario-specific situations at the same time. Team members were judged individually on their performance during each scenario, and on how well they performed together as a unit. At the end of the competition, the combined scores were added up and the winners were declared in the student, advanced care and primary care divisions.

DC’s team of Jena Spencer and Rob Triano, second-year Paramedic students, finished second among the 17 teams competing in the student division. Students in DC’s paramedic programs also played a role in helping the competition run as smoothly as possible.

Ralph Hofmann, program co-ordinator of the Paramedic and Paramedic – Advanced Care program, which is housed under the college’s School of Justice & Emergency Services, said there was more than enough behind-the-scenes work available to keep many of the students busy, even though they weren’t competing. “Some students helped our competitors during practice sessions, while others volunteered to assist with running the competition by serving as simulated patients, providing supplies and even doing make-up for ‘victims’ during the scenarios,” said Hofmann. “Students got the opportunity to network and show off their stuff to prospective employers and co-workers, and the competitors were able to perform their skills in a different setting and have some fun with it.”

While competitions like this are no substitute for an actual medical emergency, Hofmann said the participants definitely knew they had to be at the top of their game in order to win. Nevertheless, he says it was a great experience for everyone involved, no matter what the outcome. “The competition can be stressful and challenging and, in the end, no matter what the result, our DC students walk away with smiles on their faces,” he said.

Advanced Baking and Pastry Arts students rise to the occasion with pop-up bake shops

Although the weather outside was cold and blustery, spring was definitely in the air on Saturday, April 9 at Durham College’s (DC) Centre for Food (CFF). That’s because teams of students in the Advanced Baking and Pastry Arts program used spring as their theme for three different pop-up bake shops, selling sweet treats to an appreciative crowd of students and visitors.

The pop-up shops were the result of a semester-long capstone project that marked the culmination of all the learning experiences the students had acquired during the program. The students spent an average of 25 to 30 hours in the kitchen labs preparing a variety of sweet and savoury baked goods, confections and preserves. In addition, students were responsible for the marketing, budgeting, packaging and decision-making for all elements of their pop-up bake shop. Using the skills they had acquired in the program, students successfully created the products, determined how they would be displayed, created a pricing strategy and used their sales skills to encourage customers to make purchases. 

For Jeremy Wong and his teammates at the Spring Fever Bakery, the competition was an opportunity to “share their passion” for good food and pastry, and to work on his sales and customer service skills.

“It’s been a lot of fun and we’ve made a lot of items using spring fresh ingredients,” said Wong. “Our goal is to sell out of all of our products and to show off our skills to both our customers and our professors.”

Student Marie Owen and her Patisserie Noir team chose the theme “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and featured a variety of hand-dipped chocolates and other sweet treats, packaged in attractive black-trimmed wrapping. Owen said that as exhausting as it can be to prepare and package all of their products, the final results always make it worthwhile.

“I enjoy baking and making things so much, that I have to remind myself to remember to take the money from customers,” she said with a laugh.

Student baker Suzette Kearns and her team from the Spring Flour Bakery featured a mixture of sweet and savoury items at their shop, including products that used edible pansies produced by DC’s Horticulture – Food and Farming students from the CFF’s gardens exclusively for this event. Kearns and her team were relieved they’d reached the final stage in their course work, and she said they enjoyed the challenge of selling their wares directly to the public.

“I spend most of my time at the back of the house, baking things and working in the kitchen,” she said. “It’s a nice change to sit down and work out the prices for our products, develop a theme for our pop-up shop and really get into the business side of things.”

“I’m really proud of all three student teams and the work they did for their final projects,” said Chef Tanya Heck, professor at the CFF. “The presentation and quality of all the students’ work shone through at this event and I’m pleased all of them were virtually completely sold out of their products by the end of day. It was truly a great effort.”

Another truly Epic Mac n’ Cheese Competition at Durham College’s Centre for Food

The tardy arrival of spring this year has meant the perfect weather for a Canadian winter classic – mac n’ cheese. On April 9, eight teams of local Grade 11 and 12 students gathered at the Durham College (DC) Centre for Food (CFF) to put their culinary and creative skills to the test at the college’s second annual Epic Mac n’ Cheese Competition.

Watched by an appreciative crowd of parents, family, friends and DC Culinary Management students, the competitors cooked up an amazing variety of macaroni and cheese delicacies, using ingredients as varied as crab, smoked duck, bacon and Montreal smoked meat. Samples of each team’s recipe were provided to festival visitors, who were then asked to vote on their favourites.

“Events like this help us build our profile in the community by encouraging high school students who are considering a career in the culinary sector  to showcase their talents in DC’s state-of-the-art kitchen facilities,” said Chef Peter Lee, program co-ordinator of the college’s Culinary Management program  and the driving force  behind this year’s festival. “At the same time, our Culinary Management students worked with the competitors, offering advice, support and constructive feedback on their work. It’s a fun event that’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.”

Based on the votes from festival-goers, first-place honours went to Savannah Lowe and Natalie Young of J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate in Ajax. Two teams from St. Peter Catholic Secondary School in Peterborough rounded out the top three, with Courtney Ross and Jeremy Breese taking second place and John Fawn and Gordon McGlaughlin finishing third.

“It’s an incredible feeling to win,” said Lowe, who is currently in Grade 12 and keeping her options open about a possible culinary career. “I was so nervous that we weren’t going to hear our names called, and then when Chef Peter called Natalie’s name, I knew we were going to get first place.”

The winning teams received cooking equipment, cookbooks and other prizes, while each student was also awarded a certificate of appreciation for their participation. While not every team could be a winner, all of the 16 participants are now eligible to apply for a bursary towards tuition for a culinary, hospitality or special events program at DC.

Chef Lee says he was pleased with the calibre of all of the entries that made it from the kitchen to the table at this year’s event. “The vote gap between many of the teams was very close, reflecting the quality of the ingredients and the hard work and preparation that was done by the students and their Durham College mentors,” he said. “I hope we’ll have the opportunity to see many of those who took part in the festival in our classrooms in the near future.”

DC’s Insurance program a beneficial plan

Individuals with a passion for helping others manage and control their insurance risks can invest in their futures by enrolling in Durham College’s (DC) Insurance program.

This two-year program is designed for those with a keen interest in business and insurance who want to acquire a specialization in general insurance (Property and Casualty) by developing their understanding of policies and legislation, fraud awareness and client management. Graduates have the skills needed to flourish in the thriving insurance industry, which can lead them to positions as appraisers, brokers, claims adjusters, loss control specialists, risk managers and underwriters.

“Over the span of two years, students learn to determine the role of general insurance in society and become immersed in the varied expertise needed to succeed,” said Keith Miller, co-ordinator of the DC Insurance program. “This includes evaluating risk factors; applying marketing techniques and negotiation strategies; and adhering to principles, processes and procedures used in adjusting losses, settling claims and completing required documentation.”

As part of the program, students register with the Insurance Institute of Canada and have the opportunity to earn eight out of the 10 required credits for the internationally recognized Chartered Insurance Professional designation.

Graduates can also choose to continue their education by applying for the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) bridge program at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, using credits from their time at DC towards earning a degree.

During their time on campus students also have access to financial support through one of Durham Region’s most well-known Insurance Brokers – Roughley Insurance Brokers Ltd.

Located in Oshawa since 1945, the organization has made a $25,000 commitment to students enrolled in the Insurance program over five years, allowing for $5,000 worth of bursaries and scholarships to be awarded per year.  In addition, along with providing generous financial support to students, owner Jim Roughley is also a member of the Advisory Committee for the Insurance program.

For more information on these awards, interested students can visit www.websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca/studentawards or contact the Student Awards office at 905.721.3036.

DC students help novice golfers get into the swing for spring

With spring on its way, thousands of people across southern Ontario have only one thing on their minds; golf. It’s a sport enjoyed by the young, the old and everyone in between, but for those dealing with physical disabilities, playing the game was often only a dream. Until now, that is.

In late March, second-year Durham College (DC) students in the Sport Administration program teamed up with local golf pro Todd Keirstead, who operates a unique golf program called Bring Back the Game. The organization works with groups like Wounded Warriors to give men and women who are differently-abled an opportunity to try golf as a sport for the first time, or rebuild their golf skills after suffering an injury or illness. With Keirstead’s help, the students hosted a golf clinic at the Abilities Centre in Whitby for almost 30 participants facing a variety of physical challenges.

“It goes without saying that I am very proud of the group of students who put on this event,” said Nadine Lamarche, professor, Sport Management, at DC’s School of Business, IT & Management. “They connected with the Abilities Centre and had multiple meetings to set things up, including booking the date, corresponding with staff, even using Twitter to promote the event.”

The participants ranged from people who had never held a club to those who had previous golf experience but, for a variety of reasons, felt they couldn’t currently play. Keirstead, an accomplished golf professional and entertainer, specializes in showing differently-abled people how to play golf using adaptive techniques and equipment and by harnessing their dedication and commitment. At the event, DC students managed registration, assisted with the teaching efforts and, at the end, handed out prizes.

And how did the participants feel about taking part in the event? Their answers speak for themselves:

  • “I found out today I can still golf.”
  • “I can’t believe I got to hit a golf ball again. It’s been a long time!”
  • “For 10 years I wasn’t able to do it, and by the grace of God, I did it today.”

“Other events being hosted by the Sport Management students include video game, floorball and water pong tournaments, all of which will help them build their event management skills,” Lamarche said. “This is the first time we’ve ever put together a golf event like this, and it’s another way that DC has a positive impact on our local community.”

DC celebrates student athletes’ academic success

The Durham College (DC) athletic department hosted the seventh annual academic luncheon on April 5 celebrating the academic accomplishments of student athletes during the 2015-16 season.

This year the Lords had 23 student-athletes who were recognized with Ontario Colleges Athletic Association All-Academic awards.

The Bert Dejeet Memorial Scholastic Award was presented to Cailey Giorgi (women’s soccer – Police Foundations) and Alessio Del Gobbo (men’s basketball – Sport Business Management) for having the top overall grade point average (GPA) of all student-athletes at Durham.

Nicholas Axhorn of the men’s soccer team was the school’s lone Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA) All-Academic award winner. The CCAA award is prestigious as it recognizes excellence in academics and athletics. To achieve the honour, a student-athlete must be named to their respective provincial all-star team in a CCAA sport and must achieve honour roll status.

Along with the student-athletes, coaches, family, employees and members of the athletic department were in attendance for the academic luncheon.

DC will celebrate the 2015-16 season at the 46th annual Durham College athletic banquet that will take place Thursday, April 7 at the General W. Sikorski Polish Veterans Association Hall in Oshawa.

Awards Summary

Bert Dejeet Highest Overall GPA
Male: Alessio Del Gobbo – Men’s Basketball
Female: Cailey Giorgi – Women’s Soccer

CCAA All-Academic Award
Nicholas Axhorn – Men’s Soccer

Top Team GPA
Women’s Softball

OCAA All-Academic Awards
Men’s Baseball 
Kadeev Bembridge (Whitby, Ont.) – Human Resources
Riley Davies (Innisfil, Ont.) – Protection and Security
Dylan Harkness (Bowmanville, Ont.) – Victimology
Jack Lang (Pickering, Ont.) – Graphic Design

Women’s Softball
Courtney Hobbs (Oshawa, Ont.) – Police Foundations
Mackenzie Naccarato (Oshawa, Ont.) – Protection and Security
Caitlyn Omelanchuk (Whitby, Ont.) – Police Foundations
Tara Robinson (Mount Albert, Ont.) – Protection and Security

Men’s Basketball
Alessio Del Gobbo (North York, Ont.) – Sport Management

Women’s Basketball
Kaitlyn Cruickshank (Oshawa, Ont.) – General Arts
Samantha Dupont (Brantford, Ont.) – Fitness and Health Promotion
Courtney Harley (Cambridge, Ont.) – Biomedical Engineering Technology

Men’s Soccer
Trevor Stephens (Aurora, Ont.) – Sport Management
Connor Ackerman (Ajax, Ont.) – Recreation and Leisure Services
Nicholas Axhorn (Pickering, Ont.) – Social Services

Women’s Soccer
Samantha Anderson (Ajax, Ont.) – Fitness and Health Promotion
Jordan Beer (Courtice, Ont.) – Photography
Cailey Giorgi (Oshawa, Ont.) – Police Foundations
Krista Lagasse (Windsor, Ont.) – Firefighter

Men’s Volleyball
Kyle Conquer (Ajax, Ont.) – Business-Marketing
Damin Noss (Woodville, Ont.) – Community Services
Harrison Wood (Nebraska, U.S.) – Electrical Engineering
Andrew Wryghte (Trenton, Ont.) – Digital Video Production

Top GPA Per Team
Dylan Harkness – Baseball
Caitlyn Omelanchuk – Softball
Alessio Del Gobbo – Men’s Basketball
Kaitlyn Cruickshank – Women’s Basketball
Colin Jex – Golf
Conner Ackerman – Men’s Soccer
Cailey Giorgi – Women’s Soccer
Andrew Wryghte – Men’s Volleyball
Kristen Curtis – Women’s Volleyball

More than 3,000 prospective students visit DC campus during Spring Open House

More than 3,000 prospective students, their families and the community at large got a look inside Durham College (DC) on April 2 as the school hosted its annual Spring Open House.

Showcasing the Oshawa and Whitby campuses and the Pickering Learning Site, the event gave attendees an opportunity to learn more about the college’s programs, services and facilities first-hand while meeting with current students, faculty, staff and alumni.

DC Crew members were also on hand to lead tours through the college’s state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratories and provide information on DC’s extensive list of student services. Information sessions were also held topics such as the admissions process, financial aid, academic pathways and career planning.

“Open House is a great way for potential students and their families to learn more about Durham College while having the opportunity to experience our learning environment for themselves,” said Don Lovisa, president, DC. “The entire Durham College family did a great job sharing the DC experience with our visitors.”

Those who missed Spring Open House are still in luck – tours of the college are still available and can be arranged by visiting www.websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca/campustours emailing campustours@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca or calling 905.721.3000.

@DC_Pres delivers welcome packages to new DC students

Durham College (DC) President Don Lovisa went door-to-door this week making special deliveries to six lucky students. Travelling to several local communities, Lovisa hand delivered official DC welcome packages and swag to randomly selected individuals who will begin their studies at the college this September.

“Delivering the welcome packages was a fun way to demonstrate our mission statement that at Durham College, the student experience comes first,” said Lovisa. “The opportunity to meet with students face to face and personally welcome them to DC is a great example of the high level of service we strive to deliver on campus every day.”

Lovisa travelled to Bowmanville, Port Hope, Oshawa, Whitby and Pickering to deliver the packages, and captured the moments with students on camera and video that was shared via the college’s social media accounts. Follow @DC_Pres on Twitter and DC on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as we continue to share Lovisa’s door-to-door welcome of new students next week.