Do you need help finding course material that is free to use? Do you need a little refresher on how copyright works? Here are some resources you can use!
Resources such as The Fair Dealing Decision Tool enable faculty to determine whether Fair Dealing allows them to use certain materials for their classes, such as print, artistic work and audiovisual works.
The Fair Dealing Decision Tool is there to make sure you can safely present your curriculum when using any material.
If you need material for your classes that is openly licensed, Creative Commons is the place to go! Creative Commons is a not-for-profit which offers globally accessible public commons for knowledge and culture. The site makes it easier for people to share creative and academic works that are accessible to others.
Creative Commons provides licenses and public domain tools to every person and organization around the world. This makes it easier to grant copyright permissions, ensure work is properly attributed, while allowing others to copy, distribute and use those works freely.
Another resource is The Learning Portal. If you need to either refresh or learn about copyright and how it applies to you as an Ontario college employee, The Learning Portal offers learning modules on the subject.
The modules provide faculty with a self-directed learning resource for Ontario college employees to engage in using material under copyright. The modules reinforce as well as enhance training, services, as well as resources provided by the college library.
If you’re interested in learning more, see The Learning Portal for more.