Facilitator / Centre for Professional and Part-Time Learning Skip to specific questions in the video referring to the timestamps below: 0:04 How do you get...
eCampusOntario VLS Collection Open House When: May 2 – 6, 2022 Throughout 2021 and 2022 PSI have been working on Virtual Learning Strategy funded projects....
Program Curriculum Visualizations & Survey As program teams review curriculum and complete APRs, a reminder that 2021-22 Program Curriculum Visualizations are available to deans and...
Faculty can refer students to SALS for academic support, to increase their level of success in your class and prepare them for upcoming assessments. Referral forms,...
What’s New Returning to the CTL / Tanya Wakelin Tanya Wakelin, manager, eLearning, has returned to the CTL from parental leave. She is excited for...
Collaborative Classroom Observation & Feedback Sometimes we just want to know what we are doing well and what we can do better to guide our...
Clayton Rhodes, a professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Studies, discusses his journey into teaching at Durham College as well as his approach to teaching...
Throughout the past year, the CTL and DC faculty have been working on seven Virtual Learning Strategy Projects for eCampusOntario. The video below provides a...
Christine Hand / Professor in the School of Science & Engineering Technology After completing her PhD in Chemistry at the University of Waterloo and post-doctoral...
Justice Murray Sinclair issued the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action in 2015. These Calls to Action include recommendations for post-secondary institutions – particularly in...