To support online and blended course delivery, Librarians have developed three e-learning modules in DC Connect. The text, images, videos, interactive quizzes and activities included...
Updated August 30, 2022 As announced in ICE: “DC Apps, powered by AppsAnywhere, is a new web-based app hub that will allow you to run...
Faculty at Durham College have found innovative ways to engage, teach and assess our students as they transitioned to remote delivery. Although they teach in...
Welcome! We hope you all had a chance to unplug and enjoy some quality time with family and friends. As we look ahead to this...
In September, we are hosting 50 PD sessions on a variety of topics including: How to create test questions How to use the quiz tool...
Do you want to learn how to support student learning remotely? Here’s a great opportunity for you to be a part of CAFE’s “Teaching Remotely”...
Share your teaching practices with your colleagues at the October Reading Week Professional Development day! Save the date: Monday October 26, 2020 The CAFE is...
The 2020 Learning Outcomes Symposium Program Planning Committee is pleased to offer the following free webinars this fall: A one-hour keynote presentation and Q&A by...
New ways to connect students with industry and community organizations through work-integrated learning in 2020/21: CityStudio Durham: The Region of Durham, in partnership with Durham...
New Video Resource: JoVE Science Education We in the Library strive to develop collections that support teaching and learning in Durham College classrooms. To support...