Creativity Community of Practice

The Creativity Community of Practice (CCoP) is a group of Durham College employees who have participated in one of the creativity problem-solving professional development workshops facilitated by Gerrard Puccio of State University New York (SUNY).  Members of the CCoP come from support staff, administration and faculty.  

 The CCoP has three goals.  The first goal is to support the Durham College community in making use of creative problem-solving tools that either will directly or indirectly enhance the student experience.  The second goal is to engage the Durham College community in developing a culture of creativity and innovation. The third goal is to build collaboration opportunities with our creativity learning partners outside of Durham College.   

 Since the group was first formed in the fall of 2018, the CCoP has participated in faculty program meetings, facilitated professional development workshops, contributed to program newsletters, and engaged in creativity discussions with colleagues from Sheridan College.  

 If you would like to learn more about the Creativity Community of Practice, please connect with Clayton Rhodes (