In previous issues of the CTL Monthly, the Faculty Spotlight has been an opportunity to highlight Durham College’s exemplary faculty members. For the 2022-23 Academic year, we updated the name and format to Faculty Insights: a three-minute video focusing on one academic topic per month, coinciding with where we are in the semester.
When selecting a faculty member, typically our Academic Administration nominates the faculty we highlight in each issue. However, and with a new calendar year upon us, we are opening nominations to you, our DC faculty members, to nominate your peers for an upcoming Faculty Insights feature!
Let's celebrate our peers!
If you have a peer that is doing amazing work in the classroom, we’d love to hear about it! The CTL is looking to you to submit names of exemplary faculty to be included in this feature. You may submit more than one peer faculty member; if you do so, please submit a new form for each faculty member you nominate.
Do you have a peer to highlight?
Note: All submissions will be vetted with Faculty Administration and do not guarantee a feature story.