FAQ – Grades and Gradebook

Frequently asked questions this week – Grades and Gradebook

This new blog series will detail common questions the CTL eLearning team receives from faculty each week! This week is about grading and gradebooks in DC Connect!

  1. Question: I had to update a student’s grade, but I already exported to banner. Can I export to banner again?
    Yes. You can repeat the Export to Banner process as many times as necessary up you want until the deadline. After which you will need to work with your school office to complete Grade Change Forms.
  2. Question: The grade for a quiz is not showing up in my gradebook. What do I do?
    You might have forgotten to check the “Allow automatic export to grades” under the “Assessment” tab when you were creating your quiz. First, you’ll need to change your quiz settings to allow for an automatic export to grades and then you’ll need transfer the quiz grades to your gradebook. These quick videos will demonstrate these two steps:

    1. Step one) How to allow automatic export to grades in gradebook: https://youtu.be/2yS0fr6eRV4
    2. Step two) How to transfer your grades to gradebook: https://youtu.be/C4RwWdl4zdQ
  3. Question: I have a few written response questions in my quiz that I need to mark for each student. How do I do this efficiently?
    The quiz tool allows you to mark by question for each student. This process makes it easier to mark written responses efficiently. Here is a quick video that shows you how to manually grade a quiz easily: https://youtu.be/Tjft9huus0Q.
  4. Question: How can I mark documents easily and provide feedback to students?
    The new annotations feature in the Assignments tool of DC Connect allows you to provide feedback to your students directly in their submitted assignments without having to download each file submission. This means you can provide feedback to students on their papers as naturally as you would in-person. Check it out: https://websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca/ctl/blog/annotations-tool-in-dc-connect/
  5. Question: I have students who are locked out of a quiz that is currently happening. They started the quiz at the proper time, but their computer froze / they were kicked out, and now can’t continue their attempt even though the time hasn’t expired. How do I give them access to their attempt in progress so they can continue where they left off?
    Edit the quiz and access the Restrictions tab. Next, update the End Date time so that it is an hour passed the maximum allowed time. For example, if it is currently 9:45AM and the 60-minute quiz started at 9:00AM, set the End Date time to be 11:00AM. Be sure to click the Save and Close button to affix your change.