Justice Murray Sinclair issued the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action in 2015. These Calls to Action include recommendations for post-secondary institutions – particularly in the fields of law, medicine, and journalism – to educate learners about First Nation, Metis, and Inuit histories and persistent social issues. In response to this call, academic Schools are participating in an innovative initiative that involves general education.
Watch the video below to learn more about this general education initiative that Ralph Hoffman, Executive Dean in the School of Health and Community Services, has started and which has been implemented in collaboration with Kevin Dougherty, Associate Dean of the School of Interdisciplinary Studies.
To jump to specific topics within the video, use the menu below:
- How did this idea come about? Why is this an important opportunity for Durham
College? (4s mark) - I understand there are three new gen eds - what are they? I heard there might be a
fourth one? (2m 34s mark) - How many programs in the school of HCS are currently involved in the pilot? How many students are involved? (8m 23s mark)
- What is the initial feedback, from stakeholders, regarding this initiative? (9m 8s mark)
- Where do you see this initiative going in Fall 2022 and beyond? (13m 2s mark)
- Other DC initiatives (15m 58s mark)