Video content is a great way to enrich teaching and learning in the classroom and in Blackboard. Your Library subscribes to many online video collections that provide access to more than 100,000 streaming video titles from across the disciplines. All the videos in our collection are licensed for educational use, which means you can show them in class or embed them in our Learning Management System.
Films on Demand is one of your Library’s largest collections of online videos. Search or browse more than 36,000 videos and nearly 300,000 segments from content providers including HBO, National Geographic, BBC and PBS. Content includes feature documentaries as well as vocational and technical training videos. Create clips and playlists to use in class and share with your students via DC Connect.
For information about how to access or use Films on Demand in your teaching practice, please reach out to your Subject Specialist Librarian. Our team of Librarians are always happy to support teaching and learning in your classroom! |