Program Curriculum Visualizations & Survey
As program teams review curriculum and complete APRs, a reminder that 2021-22 Program Curriculum Visualizations are available to deans and program coordinators on the CTL Academic Quality Assurance ICE page.
These Tableau visualizations offer program teams evidence-based data (based on 2021-2022 WebCOT data) to support regular discussions regarding the accuracy and validity of current curriculum elements. These data driven discussions inform the continuous improvement of program curriculum and annual program review processes.
*New this year: Visualizations including Bloom’s Taxonomy Cognitive Domain mapped to program and course learning outcomes.
Questions regarding the visualizations? Please contact:
We want to hear from you regarding the program curriculum visualizations!
Annual Program Reviews (APR) Due Date Reminder
A reminder for program coordinators that Annual Program Review (APR) reports and action plans are due June 15, 2022.
The current APR report template is available on ICE.
APR App Phased Implementation
The CTL QA Team is pleased to launch this spring the first phase of the Annual Program Review (APR) App with the schools of BITM and JES. The QA Team is in the process of digitizing many of our quality assurance reports and we’re excited to be launching the second App using MS Power Apps.
We developed, tested and piloted the APR App last year working with representatives throughout the college who were very supportive with their positive feedback and encouraged a phased launch of the App. It is expected that the APR App will continue to be implemented with additional schools in spring 2023.