AI is perhaps most commonly used when referring to machine learning. However, SALS supports students’ understanding of the ‘other AI’ – Academic Integrity. Through the self-paced SALS ONLINE AI workshop, various learning resources in MyDC, and synchronous AI workshops offered throughout the semester, students have access to information that reinforces classroom expectations about completing their studies in an open, honest, and responsible manner.
Additionally, in fall 2022, SALS will launch the enhanced Academic Success for International Students workshop. This 1.5 hour workshop guides incoming International students in areas such as college and professor’s expectations, the importance of maintaining academic integrity during their post-secondary studies, and strategies and resources to successfully complete their studies at DC. The workshop will be offered in the week prior to the fall semester and again in weeks 2 and 3 to ensure that as many students as possible benefit from this valuable information.
If you would like an AI workshop delivered to your class, please:
Contact SALS