During the 2022 - 2023 academic year, we introduced a new format using Articulate Rise 360. Below are the issues we released during the year:
In this issue: ALC highlights, Generative AI SoTL Call for Proposals, CTL Faculty Secondments, and more!
In this issue: Advancing Learning Conference, SoTL Call for Proposals, Annual Program Reviews, and more!
In this issue: Advancing Learning Conference, Call for SoTL Proposals, WebCOT Updates, and much more!
In this issue: PD Day Highlights, Advancing Learning Conference, Call for SoTL Proposals, and much more!
In this issue: Faculty Insights / Flipped Classroom in Trades, 🆕 Bodyswaps, other edTech, and much more!
In this issue: 🆕 Academic Integrity Attestation Statements, Winter Academic PD Day, and much more!
In this issue: Planning for next semester, Winter Academic PD Day / Call for Proposals, and much more!
In this issue: Faculty Insights on Student Success, Fall Academic PD Day Highlights, and much more!
In this issue: *NEW* Faculty Insights on Supporting Students, Fall Academic PD Day, and much more!
In this issue: Fall Start-Up Reminders, CTL Faculty Playground, New EdTech, Fall Academic PD Day, and more!