These questions can be automatically graded by D2L. They require students to select from a given set of possible answers.
Create: True/False Questions
- Select Quizzes from the course navbar.
- Click on the Question Library tab.
- Click on the name of any Section folder to open it.
- Click the New button.
- Select True of False Question (T/F) from the menu.
Note: We recommend leaving the Title field blank. The Question Text will become the title by default, allowing you to see the question without having to click to open it.
- Type or paste your question into the Question Text box.
Note: When pasting text, D2L will inherit any formatting (e.g. font type and size, indentations, etc.) embedded in the source document. To remove all formatting when pasting your text into D2L, use the following keyboard shortcuts: PC users press CTRL+Shift+V; MAC users press Command+Shift+V.
- Use the Radio Buttons to indicate if the correct answer is true or false.
- Enter the number of Points this question will be worth.
- Preview the question to make sure it looks the way you want; note that D2L automatically shows you how the question will appear on the quiz.
- Click the Save button to save your question and return to the Question Library.
Note: Click the down arrow next to the Save button for more options. Save and New will save your current question and open a new True/False question. Cancel will return you to the Question Library without saving your changes.
Create: Multiple Choice Questions
Students select a single answer from a list of possible answers.
- Select Quizzes from the course navbar.
- Click on the Question Library tab.
- Click on the name of any Section folder to open it.
- Click the New button.
- Select Multiple Choice Question (MC) from the menu.
Note: We recommend leaving the Title field blank. The Question Text will become the title by default, allowing you to see the question without having to click to open it.
- Type or paste your question into the Question Text box.
Note: When pasting text, D2L will inherit any formatting (e.g. font type and size, indentations, etc.) embedded in the source document. We recommend that you remove all formatting, and use the following keyboard shortcuts to paste your text: for PC press CTRL+Shift+V; for MAC press Command+Shift+V.
- Type or paste the answer choices into the Answers fields.
- Use the Radio Buttons to indicate the answer that is correct.
- Select Add Answer if you want to add another answer choice.
- Select the X to delete any empty answer fields.
- If you want D2L to automatically randomize the order in which those answers appear on the quiz, check the randomize box.
- Enter the number of points the question is worth in the Default Points field.
- Preview the question to make sure it looks the way you want; note that D2L automatically shows you how the question will appear on the quiz.
- Click the Save button to save your question and return to the Question Library.
Note: Click the down arrow next to the Save button for more options. Save and New will save your current question and open a new True/False question. Cancel will return you to the Question Library without saving your changes.
Create: Multi-Select Questions
Students can select more than one answer from a list of possible answers.
- Select Quizzes from the course navbar.
- Click on the Question Library tab.
- Click on the name of any Section folder to open it.
- Click the New button.
- Select Multi-Select Questions (M-S) from the menu.
Note: We recommend leaving the Title field blank. The Question Text will become the title by default, allowing you to see the question without having to click to open it.
- Enter the number of Points this question will be worth.
- Type or paste your question into the Question Text box.
Note: When pasting text, D2L will inherit any formatting (e.g. font type and size, indentations, etc.) embedded in the source document. We recommend that you remove all formatting, and use the following keyboard shortcuts to paste your text: for PC press CTRL+Shift+V; for MAC press Command+Shift+V.
- If this question has an image, click the Insert Image button to upload it from your computer. Use the Description field to provide information about the image.
- Select how D2L should mark correct answers:
- All or Nothing: Students must select all of the correct answers (and no incorrect answers) to receive points for this question.
- Right Minus Wrong: A student's score will equal points for each correct answer minus points for each incorrect answer (includes points for answers the student correctly did not select).
- Correct Answers: Students receive points for each correct answer selected (includes points for answers the student correctly did not select).
Note: D2L uses percentages to do the calculations. If you have 4 answer choices, then each choice is worth 25% of the total points.
- Check Randomize answers for each student if you want the answer choices to appear in a different order for each student who takes the quiz.
- Create the appropriate number of answer choices:
- Click the Add Option (plus sign icon) to add an additional answer choice
- Click the Remove Entry (trashcan icon) to delete any unneeded answer choices.
- Click the Add Option (plus sign icon) to add an additional answer choice
- Type or paste the answer choices into the Value fields.
- Click the check boxes to the right of the correct answers.
- Click the Preview button to see how the question will look to students.
- Click the Save button to save your question, or Save and Close to save and return to the Question Library.
Create: Matching Questions
Students pair matches in one list with items in a second list.
- Select Quizzes from the course navbar.
- Click on the Question Library tab.
- Click on the name of any Section folder to open it.
- Click the New button.
- Select Matching Question (MAT) from the menu.
Note: We recommend leaving the Title field blank. The Question Text will become the title by default, allowing you to see the question without having to click to open it.
- Enter the number of Points this question will be worth.
- Type or paste your question into the Question Text box.
Note: When pasting text, D2L will inherit any formatting (e.g. font type and size, indentations, etc.) embedded in the source document. To remove all formatting when pasting your text into D2L, use the following keyboard shortcuts: PC users press CTRL+Shift+V; MAC users press Command+Shift+V.
- If this question has an image, click the Insert Image button to upload it from your computer. Use the Description field to provide information about the image.
- Select how D2L should mark correct answers:
- Equally Weighted: Students receive points for each correct match. D2L will automatically do the calculations based upon how many points the question is worth.
- All or Nothing: Students must select all of the correct matches (and no incorrect matches) to receive points for this question.
- Right Minus Wrong: A student's score equals points for each correct match minus points for each incorrect match (to include correct matches not selected).
- Create the appropriate number of choices (this is the list of items students match to):
- Click the Add Choice (plus sign icon) to add more choice fields.
- Click the Remove Choice (trashcan icon) to remove choice fields.
- Click the Add Choice (plus sign icon) to add more choice fields.
- Type or paste the choices into the Choices Value fields.
- Create the appropriate number of matches (this is the list of items that students match to the choices created in step 10):
- Click the Add Match (plus sign icon) to add an additional matching options.
- Click the Remove Match (trashcan icon) to delete any unneeded matches.
- Click the Add Match (plus sign icon) to add an additional matching options.
- Type or paste the matches into the Matches Value fields.
- Use the dropdown menus in the Correct Choice column to create your matches. Select "1" to connect a match to the first item in the choices list. Select "2" to connect a match with the second item in the choices list, and so forth.
- Click the Preview button to see how the question will look to students.
- Click the Save button to save your question, or Save and Close to save and return to the Question Library.
Create: Ordering Questions
Students put a series of items into a specific order.
- Select Quizzes from the course navbar.
- Click on the Question Library tab.
- Click on the name of any Section folder to open it.
- Click the New button.
- Select Ordering Question (ORD) from the menu.
Note: We recommend leaving the Title field blank. The Question Text will become the title by default, allowing you to see the question without having to click to open it.
- Enter the number of Points this question will be worth.
- Type or paste your question into the Question Text box.
Note: When pasting text, D2L will inherit any formatting (e.g. font type and size, indentations, etc.) embedded in the source document. To remove all formatting when pasting your text into D2L, use the following keyboard shortcuts: PC users press CTRL+Shift+V; MAC users press Command+Shift+V.
- If this question has an image, click the Insert Image button to upload it from your computer. Use the Description field to provide information about the image.
- Select how D2L should mark correct answers:
- Equally Weighted: Students receive points for every item that is in the correct order. D2L will calculate this automatically based upon the number of points the question is worth.
- All or Nothing: Students must order all items correctly to receive points for this question.
- Right Minus Wrong: A student's score equals points for each correctly ordered item minus points for each incorrectly ordered item.
- Create the appropriate number of items that students must put in order:
- Click the Add Item (plus sign icon) to add an additional answer choice.
- Click the Remove Item (trashcan icon) to delete any unneeded answer choices.
- Click the Add Item (plus sign icon) to add an additional answer choice.
- Type or paste the answer choices into the Value fields.
- Use the Entry drop down menus to put your items in the correct order.
- Click the Preview button to see how the question will look to students.
- Click the Save button to save your question, or Save and Close to save and return to the Question Library.
Create: Likert Questions
These questions ask participants to rank statements on a scale of one to five, according to their level of agreement, based on their level of satisfaction, and so forth.
Note: Likert Questions can only be used within the Surveys tool, and therefore are not available to import into a quiz.
- Select Quizzes from the course navbar.
- Click on the Question Library tab.
- Click on the name of any Section folder to open it.
- Click the New button.
- Select Likert Question (LIK) from the menu.
Note: We recommend leaving the Title field blank. The Question Text will become the title by default, allowing you to see the question without having to click to open it.
- Add instructions explaining how participants should reply to each question in the Introductory Text field.
Note: When pasting text, D2L will inherit any formatting (e.g. font type and size, indentations, etc.) embedded in the source document. We recommend that you remove all formatting, and use the following keyboard shortcuts to paste your text: for PC press CTRL+Shift+V; for MAC press Command+Shift+V.
- If you would like to add an image, click the Insert Image button to upload it from your computer. Use the Description field if you want to provide information about the image.
- Select the Scale that you wish to use.
- Create the appropriate number of statements you want participants to evaluate:
- Click the Add Option (plus sign icon) to add an additional statement.
- Click the Remove Entry (trashcan icon) to delete any unneeded statement field.
- Click the Add Option (plus sign icon) to add an additional statement.
- Add the statements (people will evaluate) in the Value fields: one statement per field.
- Click the Preview button to see how the question will look to students.
- Click the Save button to save your question, or Save and Close to save and return to the Question Library.
The content on this page is used by permission from The University of Arizona.