Create: A Basic Quiz
Use the Quizzes tool to administer your quiz, text, exam, or other assessment instrument.
- Click Quizzes in the course navbar.
- Click the New Quiz button.
- You should be on the Properties tab.
- Enter a Name for your quiz.
- Click on the Restrictions tab.
- Uncheck Hide from Users (so the quiz is visible to students).
- Click the Save button to remain in the quiz (or Save and Close to save your changes and exit).
Import: Questions
Import your questions from the Question Library.
- You should be on the Properties tab.
- Click the Add/Edit Questions button.
- Click the Import button.
- Choose Browse Question Library from the menu.
- Click the triangle to open the section(s) where your questions are stored.
- Click the checkbox next to the question(s) you wish to import.
Note: If you want to see the full question text, click on the magnifier glass icon to the right of the question. Use the filter and sort options on the top right to narrow your list of questions.
- Click the Add button.
Note: If you want to change the points value, or make any of your questions bonuses (optional if students want extra points) or mandatory (students are forced to answer), select your questions and click More Actions.
- Click the Done Editing Questions button to return to your quiz.
- Click the Save button to remain in this tab (or Save and Close to save your changes and exit the quiz).

Determine: When Students can take the Quiz
Set a time frame; students can start the quiz at any time within this time frame.
Note: When you add start and end dates, students can see the quiz, but they cannot take it outside that date range. When you add a due date, it serves as a reference only; students can still take the quiz after the due date.
- Select the Restrictions tab.
- Uncheck Hide from Users to make your quiz visible to students.
- Click the check boxes next to Has Due Date, Has Start Date, and/or Has End Date in order to add dates.
- Click on the date field to open a calendar and select a date.
- Click on the time field to open a menu from which to select a time.
- Click the Save button to remain in this tab (or Save and Close to save your changes and exit the quiz).
Determine: How long students have to take the Quiz
Let students know how long they should spend taking the quiz.
Note: A student can exit and return to the quiz as many times as they want until the clock runs out (however, it must be within the quiz's time frame; see Section 3 above).
- Select the Restrictions tab.
- Decide if the time limit is Recommended or Enforced.
- Recommended Time Limit: communicates to students how long you anticipate it will take them to complete the quiz. You have the option of letting them see a countdown clock.
- Enforced Time Limit: restricts how long a student has to complete the quiz. The countdown clock is on by default.
Depending upon your choice, you get a set of options:
Recommended Time Limit
Note: Always enter a real time (don't use the default unless it makes sense to do so). This helps students realistically anticipate how much time to set aside to take the quiz.
- Enter the recommended time (in minutes).
- If you want students to see a countdown clock, select Show Clock.
Enforced Time Limit
- Enter a Time Limit.
- Enter a Grace Period of 1 minute or greater (required).
- Decide what happens after the time limit and grace period expire.
- Allow the Student to Continue Working: Students will be able to continue taking the quiz.
- Prevent the student from making further changes: Students will not be able to answer any more questions, but they will be able to submit the quiz.
- Allow the student to continue working, but automatically score the attempt as zero after an extended deadline: This option will allow you to add an additional grace period; students can complete the quiz, but will earn an automatic zero if they exceed the time limit, grace period, and additional grade period.
Note: Options 2 and 3 will flag late quizzes. This information is available by clicking the down-caret next to the quiz to open the Actions menu and selecting Grade.

Assess: Link your Quiz to the Gradebook
D2L can automatically grade quizzes for you and send scores to the gradebook.
Note: We recommend using the Grades tool to create your gradebook first, before creating your quizzes.
- Select the Assessment tab.
- To allow D2L to automatically calculate each student's quiz grade for you, select Allow attempt to be set as graded immediately upon completion.
Note: Select this option only when your quiz contains questions that can be autograded. D2L will give students a zero for ungraded questions, making their quiz scores appear lower than they actually are.
- To be able to send grades to the gradebook, click on the word none to bring up a list of grade items from your gradebook; select the Grade Item associated with this quiz.
Note: By default, a quiz is not associated with the gradebook. Create an association so scores will transfer from a quiz to a Grade Item.
- To allow graded quizzes to transfer to the gradebook automatically, select Allow automatic export to grades.
Note: You can select this option even if you do not want D2L to automatically calculate quiz grades for you (step 2). In which case, the grade will transfer once you manually grade the quiz.
- Click the Save button to remain in this tab (or Save and Close to save your changes and exit the quiz).
Preview: The Finished Quiz
"Take" the quiz so you can see it the way a student does.
- Click the caret to open the quiz's action menu.
- Select Preview.
- Click the Start Quiz! button.
- From within the quiz Preview page, you can:
- View the page layout (e.g. the number of questions per page) and the questions you have answered.
- Answer all questions.
- Move through each page of the quiz.
- View the page layout (e.g. the number of questions per page) and the questions you have answered.
- When finished, click the Submit Quiz button.
- Check Allow this preview attempt to be graded in the Grade Quiz area if you want to check how your quiz attempt will be autograded by D2L.
- Click the Submit Quiz button a second time.
- Whenever you are finished, click the Exit Preview button located in the top right corner of any of the quiz preview screens.
Bulk: Make Multiple Quizzes Visible
Activate multiple quizzes at once.
- Click the checkboxes next to the inactive quizzes (look for the closed eye icon).
- Click the Bulk Edit button.
- Uncheck the boxes in the Hide from Users column.
- Save.
The content on this page is used by permission from The University of Arizona.