What is LockDown Browser?
LockDown Browser is a web browser that locks down the testing environment within DC Connect (learning management system). In class, online testing can sometimes be difficult to invigilate, especially in densely packed or non-traditional classroom spaces. With LockDown Browser, Students are unable to copy, print, access other applications, or visit other websites during an online exam. Quizzes in DC Connect can be configured to utilize this application, thus increasing the integrity of in class, online testing. LockDown Browser is installed in the computer labs. Students can also use their own devices and install the application.
Here are some Tip Sheets for both Instructors and Students on how to use Respondus LockDown browser.
Note: If you are using the "Allow access to specific external web domains" setting in Respondus LockDown Browser to allow students access to resource(s) outside of the DC Connect quiz, please make sure your DC Connect quiz links are configured to open up in a new window (Want to know how?). For more information on this please see the Respondus Knowledgebase.
Note: Support for Windows 7 has ended on June 28, 2023. Students using Windows 7 will need to upgrade to Windows 10/11 or find another device that is supported. LockDown Browser can be used with Windows 10+, Mac 10.13+, Chromebook, and iPads running iOS 11+ (the iPad setting must be enabled by the instructor).
In order to configure your link to open in a new window, please follow the steps below:
Step 1: While in the question editor, click on the full screen icon. If you do not see this icon you might need to click inside the question editor window.
Step 2: Once in full screen mode, click on the "Add Link" icon. A "Insert Quicklink" window should appear.
Step 3: In the "Insert Quicklink" window, scroll down and click on the "Url" option.
Step 4: Fill in the "URL" and "Title" Fields. ** the "Target" setting should be set to "New Window" **. Click "Insert" button when finished.
Step 5: Click the close full screen icon. This will bring you back to question editor view. Click Save when finished.