This event has passed. Be In The Know Lunch-n-Learn Session: DC Student Experience Survey Date: April 18, 2024 Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Venue CIR 108/CIR 102 Organizer IRP-Institutional Research & Planning Details: Be In The Know (Brown Bag Lunch-n-Learn with IRP-Institutional Research & Planning) Topic: DC Student Experience Survey Each year the Ontario Application Service (OCAS) collaborates with CAAT Colleges on the Student Experience Survey to measure students’ levels of positive experience with the learning experience, facilities, resources and services. The DC-SES dashboard provides longitudinal results for each Durham College program as well as a comparison to similar programs at the system level. Join the session to learn about Student Experience Surveys and how to review the information on the DC-SES dashboard. Register Now! + Google Calendar+ iCal Export