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How to use the Virtual Classroom

This session will show you the basics of how to use the Virtual Classroom. Did you know Virtual Classroom can also be used as virtual office hours? To access this session, please visit the link provided here. Register Now!

DC Connect: Grades

This introductory-level session will introduce the Grades tool in DC Connect, and is strongly recommended based on Durham College's Learning Management System Use policy. The Grades tool is a powerful mechanism for record student performance. Faculty can set up a gradebook that reflects their approach to evaluation. They can control the grading formula used to […]

How to use Microsoft Teams

This session will demonstrate the features of Microsoft Teams such as how to use Microsoft Teams to post your recorded session and how-to create break-out sessions through channels. Register Now!

How to use Video Assignments in DC Connect

This session will provide an overview of the new Video Assignments tool in DC Connect. The Video Assignments tool has four available project types: individual project, group project, interactive video and question & answer. This tool is a great option for students to demonstrate knowledge in an online assignment. This session will demonstrate the difference […]

DC Connect: Supporting Student Success

This introductory-level session will introduce features of DC Connect that help to support students.  In discussing features like Release Conditions and Intelligent Agents we will be changing our focus from content delivery and direct student interaction and instead looking at ways to guide students in their learning using DC Connect and assisting students who need […]

How to Create Videos for Your Course: Mac

This session will provide an overview for Mac users, of how to create videos for your course. Methods for creating the following types of videos will be discussed: slide show recording, screen recording, as well as a demonstration or “talking head” video. This session will also cover captioning and sharing videos. To access this session, […]

Test out Virtual Classroom for Synchronous Classes

This session is for faculty who are looking to feel more comfortable hosting synchronous classes in the Virtual Classroom. In this small group session, we will take turns being “students” and “faculty”, allowing each attendee to grow their confidence in facilitating using Virtual Classroom. We will aim to let all attendees share their presentation, launch […]

Test out Virtual Classroom for Synchronous Classes

This session is for faculty who are looking to feel more comfortable hosting synchronous classes in the Virtual Classroom. In this small group session, we will take turns being “students” and “faculty”, allowing each attendee to grow their confidence in facilitating using Virtual Classroom. We will aim to let all attendees share their presentation, launch […]

DC Connect: Assignments

This introductory-level session will introduce the Assignments tool in DC Connect. The Assignments tool enables faculty to create folders where students can submit their assignments electronically. Faculty can also view and download student submissions and return them with grades and feedback. This session will cover how to configure Assignment Submission Folders and discuss best practices […]

DC Connect: Introduction and Content

This introductory-level session will provide an overview of DC Connect and some of its most essential features and is strongly recommended based on Durham College's Learning Management System Use policy. This session will provide hands-on training on the DC Connect user interface as well as how to add and manage content within your course. Participants […]