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DC Connect: Quizzes – An Introduction

MS Teams

This intermediate-level session will introduce the Quizzes tool in DC Connect. Participants are expected to have a basic familiarity with DC Connect prior to attending this session. The Quizzes tool is used to create and manage quizzes. Various types of quiz questions may be utilized and many can be graded automatically. Quizzes may be used for assessment […]

All things webCOT

MS Teams

This is an open session where participants can ask questions they may have regarding the creation of course outlines, or regarding webCOT in general. Register Now!

DC Connect – Using our Advanced Interactive Elements

MS Teams

(NOTE: The content explored in this session extends naturally from Using DC Connect Templates and Using DC Connect Templates Drop-In sessions. It is strongly recommended that learners attend either of those sessions prior to registering for this session!) Have you used our DC Connect template but never explored using the existing interactive elements to better […]

Evaluation Plan & Assignment Planning

MS Teams

Evaluation plans can be tricky thing to get “right” – the right balance, the right weighting, the right types, the right focus, the right ask. Swing into the Faculty Playground in SW101, to meet with one of our assessment and evaluation specialists to have a look at your existing evaluation plan. Together, you will explore […]

DC Connect: Introduction and Content

MS Teams

This introductory-level session will provide an overview of DC Connect and some of its most essential features and is strongly recommended based on Durham College's Learning Management System Use policy. This session will provide hands-on training on the DC Connect user interface as well as how to add and manage content within your course. Participants will […]

How to Use Microsoft Teams: The Basics

This session will demonstrate how to use Microsoft Teams to post your recorded session, create break-out sessions through channels, and use the assignments tab. Register Now!

How to Use Zoom: The Basics

This session will demonstrate how to get started with using Zoom in DC Connect. Faculty will learn to run an effective synchronous session, schedule Zoom meetings, create breakout rooms, and the basic functionality of Zoom. Register Now!

DC Connect: Grades

MS Teams

This introductory-level session will introduce the Grades tool in DC Connect and is strongly recommended based on Durham College's Learning Management System Use policy. The Grades tool is a powerful mechanism for record student performance. Faculty can set up a gradebook that reflects their approach to evaluation. They can control the grading formula used to calculate […]

DC Connect – Using our Advanced Interactive Elements

MS Teams

(NOTE: The content explored in this session extends naturally from Using DC Connect Templates and Using DC Connect Templates Drop-In sessions. It is strongly recommended that learners attend either of those sessions prior to registering for this session!) Have you used our DC Connect template but never explored using the existing interactive elements to better […]

DC Connect: Assignments

MS Teams

This introductory-level session will introduce the Assignments tool in DC Connect. The Assignments tool enables faculty to create folders where students can submit their assignments electronically. Faculty can also view and download student submissions and return them with grades and feedback. This session will cover how to configure Assignment Submission Folders and discuss best practices for their […]