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Be In The Know Lunch-n-Learn Session: Student Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ)

CIR 108/CIR 102

Be In The Know (Brown Bag Lunch-n-Learn with IRP-Institutional Research & Planning) Topic: Student Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ) SFQ is an important project undertaken each semester to provide important student feedback. It is a valuable formative component that allows faculty to identify strengths in teaching and learning and reflect on strategies for improvement. Join the session […]

Rubrics – How to Write and set-up a Rubric in DC Connect

MS Teams

A rubric is a grading tool that divides the assigned work into component parts and provides clear descriptions of the expectations associated with each component, at varying levels of mastery.  A well-designed rubric can reduce instructor subjectivity, provide a guide to students as to what is expected, act as a learning tool, and reduce the […]

DC Connect: Quizzes – An Introduction

MS Teams

This intermediate-level session will introduce the Quizzes tool in DC Connect. Participants are expected to have a basic familiarity with DC Connect prior to attending this session. The Quizzes tool is used to create and manage quizzes. Various types of quiz questions may be utilized and many can be graded automatically. Quizzes may be used for assessment […]

Graphic and Visual Design Open Dialogue

MS Teams

Creating your own graphics, visually organizing content, or figuring out what looks good in a course, PDF, or PowerPoint can be intimidating. Maybe you don’t know where to begin. Let’s change that! During this weekly open dialogue, learn how to adapt your course content for your students. You are encouraged to bring your course assets, […]

  DC Connect: Assignments

MS Teams

This introductory-level session will introduce the Assignments tool in DC Connect. The Assignments tool enables faculty to create folders where students can submit their assignments electronically. Faculty can also view and download student submissions and return them with grades and feedback. This session will cover how to configure Assignment Submission Folders and discuss best practices for their […]

Interactive Teaching with Padlet

MS Teams

Padlet is a digital collaboration space and a community space where students can visualize their thinking; its interface is simple and yet this simplicity does not limit its versatility. We will explore the various Padlet formats and brainstorm how to use each type of visual representation of thinking in our classes. Join us to explore […]

DC Connect: Using our Advanced Interactive Elements

MS Teams

(NOTE: The content explored in this session extends naturally from Using DC Connect Templates and Using DC Connect Templates Drop-In sessions. It is strongly recommended that learners attend either of those sessions prior to registering for this session!) Have you used our DC Connect template but never explored using the existing interactive elements to better […]

Video Creation Open Dialogue

MS Teams

In this open dialogue, we're putting the spotlight on your video needs. We understand that each discipline and teaching style comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities relating to creating and incorporating videos into the learning experience. This open dialogue is intended for faculty to come with questions and provides an opportunity to […]

Graphic and Visual Design Open Dialogue

MS Teams

Creating your own graphics, visually organizing content, or figuring out what looks good in a course, PDF, or PowerPoint can be intimidating. Maybe you don’t know where to begin. Let’s change that! During this weekly open dialogue, learn how to adapt your course content for your students. You are encouraged to bring your course assets, […]

Managing Cognitive Load

MS Teams

Do your students seem overwhelmed during class? Do they forget information you just taught? Your students might be experiencing cognitive overload. In this session, you’ll learn how working memory limits learning, how cognitive overload occurs, and strategies to optimize cognitive load to promote student learning in your courses. Register Now!