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DC Connect: Using our Advanced Interactive Elements

Have you used our DC Connect template but never explored using the existing interactive elements to better organize your content? When using the interactive elements, have you wished there was a way to customize them without knowing html code? Then please join us for a workshop focusing on how incorporate these interactive elements into your […]

Comprehensive Program Review (2022-2023) – Overview for Program Teams

Are you a Comprehensive Program Review (CPR) Lead, Program Coordinator or faculty member that will be starting the CPR process this Spring? Join me to review the CPR process and what to expect over the course of the year. Presenter: Briar Jamieson, Manager, Academic Quality Assurance, CTL Register Now!

Miro – Building Interactivity and Collaboration in Your Teaching

Are you searching for an EdTech tool to support your teaching and learning? Join the CTL as a Miro experts, Robby Ahn and Nick Fazzini, present innovative ways to use Miro in the classroom to build interactivity and collaboration. They will demonstrate how to use the Miro dashboard as well as discuss various educational use […]

Curriculum Mapping Application (CMA) – Overview for CPR Program Teams

Are you mapping a course(s) as part of a Comprehensive Program Review (CPR) of a program? Join me for a review the curriculum mapping application and the guidelines to support your choices for mapping. Presenter: Anna Natoli, Manager, Program and Curriculum Development, CTL Register Now!

Coping with Copyright

Cut through all the legal jargon with Open Education Librarian, Michelle Johnson, and discover how copyright and fair dealing affect your professional practice on a daily basis! During this hour long session, you will learn about educational exceptions in the Copyright Act and how they can help you to use a variety of materials in […]

Intercultural Awareness – Module 2

In this second intercultural awareness module you will experience Culture with highly interactive activities and exercises. We will build on the lessons learned in Module one and explore major questions about culture. We will focus and take a deep dive into how individuals experience culture and how culture impacts our personal and professional lives. We […]

Academic Integrity and Turnitin

Academic Integrity is becoming an increasing concern for educators across the institution. In this session we will discuss contract cheating, how to use Turnitin to your greatest advantage, and ways in which you can design assessments that support students in avoiding academically dishonest behaviours. There will also be an opportunity to answer your questions related […]

Zoom: Level-up and Q&A

This collaborative session will allow faculty to see advanced features inside of Zoom, learn about new features coming to the platform, and participate in a group discussion with other faculty members using Zoom. Register Now!

DC Connect: Assignments

This introductory-level session will introduce the Assignments tool in DC Connect. The Assignments tool enables faculty to create folders where students can submit their assignments electronically. Faculty can also view and download student submissions and return them with grades and feedback. This session will cover how to configure Assignment Submission Folders and discuss best practices for their […]

DC Connect: Discussion and Groups

This intermediate-level session will introduce the Discussions tool and the Groups tool in DC Connect. Participants are expected to have a basic familiarity with DC Connect prior to attending this session. This session will take a closer look at how instructors can use the Discussions tool in DC Connect to interact with students and promote […]