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Final Grades Submission Drop-in

This drop-in session will walk you through the process of exporting final grades to Banner.  At the completion of this session, participants will be able to:  Verify whether grades are visible to your students or not;  Review setup of final grades and edit final grades, and  Export grades to Banner from DC Connect. Register Now!

Final Grades Submission Drop-in

This drop-in session will walk you through the process of exporting final grades to Banner.  At the completion of this session, participants will be able to:  Verify whether grades are visible to your students or not;  Review setup of final grades and edit final grades, and  Export grades to Banner from DC Connect. Register Now!

Community of Practice: Flexible Delivery

Join us as we work to create a collaborative space where we can share our experiences with and develop a knowledge base about using the new flexible delivery model. This month we will focus our discussion on Set and Start Up: Successes and Challenges of a Fall start in the Flexible Delivery Mode. Throughout this […]

Final Grades Submission Drop-in

This drop-in session will walk you through the process of exporting final grades to Banner.  At the completion of this session, participants will be able to:  Verify whether grades are visible to your students or not;  Review setup of final grades and edit final grades, and  Export grades to Banner from DC Connect. Register Now!

Final Grades Submission Drop-in

This drop-in session will walk you through the process of exporting final grades to Banner.  At the completion of this session, participants will be able to:  Verify whether grades are visible to your students or not;  Review setup of final grades and edit final grades, and  Export grades to Banner from DC Connect. Register Now!

Spring Refresh PD – All Things WebCOT

This is an open session where participants can ask questions they may have regarding the creation of course outlines, or regarding webCOT in general. Register Now!

Spring Refresh PD – DC Connect: Using DC Connect Templates

The percentage of mobile devices (smart phones and tablets) among college students continues to rise. DC Connect is now much more mobile friendly, with a cleaner and fully functional user experience. As more students are interacting with their course content and activities through their phones, it is important that your content is easily available.  The […]

Spring Refresh PD – Academic Integrity & Turnitin

Academic Integrity is becoming an increasing concern for educators across the institution. In this session we will discuss contract cheating, how to use Turnitin to your greatest advantage, and ways in which you can design assessments that support students in avoiding academically dishonest behaviours. There will also be an opportunity to answer your questions related […]