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Webinar- Back to School with Kahoot! (30mins)


In this 30-minute webinar, learn strategies for using Kahoot! during the back to school season. We'll share tips, tricks, and tools for using Kahoot! throughout the entire school-day schedule, from classroom introductions to benchmark formative assessments. Please Note: Pre-registration is required. Register Now!

Make an Interactive Activity using H5P Studio

MS Teams

H5P is a great tool that would allow faculty members to add more dynamic content quickly to their courses, no technical skills necessary. This introductory session will provide a brief overview of eCampus Ontario’s H5P Studio website, including steps to create an interactive drag and drop learning activity from start to finish. Register Now!


Top Tips: Create an Engaging Kahoot!


Join this 45-minute workshop to learn tips for creating an engaging Kahoot! for any classroom activity, curriculum, or content area! During this workshop, we'll review many of the interactive teaching tools available on Kahoot!, as well as provide time to try them out yourself! Please Note: Pre-registration is required. Register Now!

Pass/Fail and Flexible Gradebooks

MS Teams

The course outline lays the blueprint for the assessment of a course and faculty are required to create a gradebook in DC Connect that reflects the evaluation criteria described by it. Where do Pass/Fail courses fit into this picture? Also, the Evaluation Notes can describe policies for missed assessments and student friendly re-weighting opportunities that […]

DC Connect: Grades

MS Teams

This introductory-level session will introduce the Grades tool in DC Connect and is strongly recommended based on Durham College's Learning Management System Use policy. The Grades tool is a powerful mechanism for record student performance. Faculty can set up a gradebook that reflects their approach to evaluation. They can control the grading formula used to calculate […]

Educational Technology Virtual Drop-In Session

MS Teams

Drop in to discuss anything related to educational technology with a member of the Centre for Teaching and Learning and fellow faculty members. Register Now!


Kahoot! Webinar- Get to Know EDU!


Welcome to Kahoot! EDU! In this Kahoot! for Schools Webinar, learn how to take engagement with Kahoot! to the next level. Kahoot! EDU Experts will share functions and use cases of premium features such as creating and delivering kahoots, importing slides to create interactive presentations, reporting, customizing existing content, managing your library, sharing kahoots with […]

Webinar- What’s New at Kahoot!


Cover the newest features at Kahoot! during this 30-minute live training. Each session, we'll share step-by-step navigation to access the latest and greatest available on Kahoot!. Please Note: Pre-registration is required. Register Now!

DC Connect: Assignments

MS Teams

This introductory-level session will introduce the Assignments tool in DC Connect. The Assignments tool enables faculty to create folders where students can submit their assignments electronically. Faculty can also view and download student submissions and return them with grades and feedback. This session will cover how to configure Assignment Submission Folders and discuss best practices for their […]

Webinar- Back to School with Kahoot! (30 min)


In this 30-minute webinar, learn strategies for using Kahoot! during the back to school season. We'll share tips, tricks, and tools for using Kahoot! throughout the entire school-day schedule, from classroom introductions to benchmark formative assessments. Please Note: Pre-registration is required. Register Now!