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DC Connect: Supporting Student Success

This introductory-level session will introduce features of DC Connect that help to support students.  In discussing features like Release Conditions and Intelligent Agents we will be changing our focus from content delivery and direct student interaction and instead looking at ways to guide students in their learning using DC Connect and assisting students who need […]

Interactive Teaching with Miro

Join us and explore the opportunities that Miro provides to assist students in visualizing their thinking on the interactive infinite digital whiteboard. We will explore how to create a Miro board, how to share it, and how to collaborate. Finally, we will identify a series of best practices for using Miro in your classes. If […]

Test Construction: Developing Short Answer Questions

Short answer questions are a great way to get to the heart of learning, and can be used in diagnostic, formative and summative assessments in various ways.  In this session we will explore how to set-up short answer questions to target specific levels of assessments and understanding.  Register Now!

Digital Story Telling through Sway

In this session we will explore the versatility of Sway as a digital storytelling platform that can accomplish many educational aims such as active learning, collaboration, and assessment. We will learn how to navigate the Sway interface, add images and videos, stack and group cards, and customize layouts. If you're interested in learning how to […]

Make an Interactive Activity using H5P Studio

H5P is a great tool that would allow faculty members to add more dynamic content quickly to their courses, no technical skills necessary. This introductory session will provide a brief overview of eCampus Ontario’s H5P Studio website, including steps to create an interactive drag and drop learning activity from start to finish.   Register Now!

DC Connect: Using DC Connect Templates Drop-in

Are you having any difficulties adding the different template components to your course content or just have questions about using the Template? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then please come join for this drop-in session. Register Now!

DC Connect: Assignments

This introductory-level session will introduce the Assignments tool in DC Connect. The Assignments tool enables faculty to create folders where students can submit their assignments electronically. Faculty can also view and download student submissions and return them with grades and feedback. This session will cover how to configure Assignment Submission Folders and discuss best practices for their […]

Interactive Teaching with Padlet

Padlet is a digital collaboration space and a community space where students can visualize their thinking; its interface is simple and yet this simplicity does not limit its versatility. We will explore the various Padlet formats and brainstorm how to use each type of visual representation of thinking in our classes. Join us to explore […]

DC Connect: Grades

This introductory-level session will introduce the Grades tool in DC Connect and is strongly recommended based on Durham College's Learning Management System Use policy. The Grades tool is a powerful mechanism for record student performance. Faculty can set up a gradebook that reflects their approach to evaluation. They can control the grading formula used to calculate […]

DC Connect: Using DC Connect Templates Drop-in

Are you having any difficulties adding the different template components to your course content or just have questions about using the Template? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then please come join for this drop-in session. Register Now!