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Zoom: Level-up and Q&A


This collaborative session will allow faculty to see advanced features inside of Zoom, learn about new features coming to the platform, and participate in a group discussion with other faculty members using Zoom. Register Now!

Pass/Fail and Flexible Gradebooks

MS Teams

The course outline lays the blueprint for the assessment of a course and faculty are required to create a gradebook in DC Connect that reflects the evaluation criteria described by it. Where do Pass/Fail courses fit into this picture? Also, the Evaluation Notes can describe policies for missed assessments and student friendly re-weighting opportunities that […]

Tool Synergies

MS Teams

The tools available in DC Connect can be associated with each other so that information passes from one to another. Assessment associations and release conditions are how we make this happen. Combining tools together can increase productivity and student engagement. Assignment submission folders are commonly associated with Grade Items, but did you know you can... […]

Troubleshooting: Rubrics

MS Teams

Rubrics are an essential tool for most assessment strategies. They let the students know how to be successful, ease grading, and remove subjectivity from the process; however, they don’t always work out as planned. If you have a rubric that is not performing the way you had hoped, pop into this session with your rubric […]

Microsoft Teams: Level-up and Q&A

MS Teams

This collaborative session will provide faculty the opportunity to see advanced features inside of Microsoft Teams (such as breakout rooms), learn about new features coming to the platform, and participate in a question-and-answer period. Register Now!

Integrating Emotional Intelligence into Teaching & Learning

MS Teams

Looking for ways to change up your assessments? Struggling to get your students to work to their greatest potential? Striving to have your students make connections between learning and application? Authentic assessments require students to demonstrate their learning in active, engaging and meaningful ways, often mimicking tasks they may encounter in their everyday lives or […]

Video Basics: Make a Video with Tools You’re Already Using

MS Teams

This introductory session will look at how some of the tools you’re already using can be utilized for basic video capture, editing and sharing. This session will include: A brief discuss on how Teams, Zoom or a mobile device can be used to capture video How PowerPoint can be used for basic video editing such […]

Teaching Squares Information Session

SW 101 B & Teams

Are you looking for new ideas to freshen up your class? Perhaps some informal feedback through a different lens? Maybe see how teaching and learning happens in an entirely different discipline? Then join us for the re-launch of Teaching Squares! Teaching Squares offers small groups of faculty the opportunity to be a fly on the […]

DC Connect: Discussion & Groups

MS Teams

This intermediate-level session will introduce the Discussions tool and the Groups tool in DC Connect. Participants are expected to have a basic familiarity with DC Connect prior to attending this session. This session will take a closer look at how instructors can use the Discussions tool in DC Connect to interact with students and promote […]

Using DC Connect Templates

MS Teams

The percentage of mobile devices (smart phones and tablets) among college students continues to rise. DC Connect is now much more mobile friendly, with a cleaner and fully functional user experience. As more students are interacting with their course content and activities through their phones, it is important that your content is easily available. The […]