Centre for Teaching and Learning
Durham College CTL Academic PD Day

Missed the Fall Academic PD Day?

If you missed out on Fall Academic PD day this year, you can watch secured session recordings available now via Microsoft Stream. Registered participants currently have access, however, DC faculty and staff can request access to the recordings by emailing ctl@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca

Professional development is relevant at all stages of your career.  We support a range of workshops and programs as well as one-on-one consultations. Don't find what you're looking for? Feel free to contact us and we can point you in the right direction.

  • Academic PD Day

    During reading week or at the end of each academic semester, the CTL hosts Academic PD Day: a series of learning sessions and workshops...

  • Communities of Practice

    What are Communities of Practice (CoP)? CoPs are intentional communities of practice that are comprised of a cross-disciplinary group of faculty who meet regularly...

  • CTL Library Collection

    The CTL has a special collection of teaching and learning related books available for loan. Resources can be signed out for a period of...

  • Faculty Development Programs

    Welcome to Durham College! Our faculty members are essential to the achievement of our unwavering commitment to student success. Our high-quality programs led by...

  • Monthly Professional Development

    Looking for sessions to support building teaching and learning capacity? Check out our resource pages in this section!