Durham College REB

The Durham College Research Ethics Board (REB) oversees ethical screening and conducts a full review of research projects involving human participants. The Research Ethics Board is governed by Durham College’s Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans policy. [PDF – 103 KB]. One board has been established to evaluate all research and ensure the research is conducted in a manner that is consistent with this policy.

The Project Ethics Community Consensus Initiative (ARECCI) has developed an ethics screening tool to provide project teams with “practical, on the ground” decision making assistance related to questions that will inevitably arise around ethics and risk level associated with their proposed project. It is recommended that faculty complete this four-step, web-based question tool to determine the level of REB approval required prior to applying to DCs REB.

Application and Submission Process

REB Applications are due two weeks prior to the scheduled REB meeting. The application must include all supporting documents (i.e. letter of information/consent, recruitment email, questionnaires, etc.), TCPS2 tutorial certificates for all researchers listed on the application, Researcher Institutional Permission Request Form, approval letters from other institutions, etc.

Supporting documents should be clearly labelled. Templates are available for some supporting documents, please contact REB@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca.

Applications may be deemed eligible for delegated review and may be reviewed prior to the scheduled meeting.

Applications with all signatures should be submitted to REB@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca

Researcher Institutional Permission

Durham College researchers seeking access to Durham College faculty, staff, students, or resources in multiple departments and/or schools, must seek administrative permission from the deans and/or directors responsible for the departments and/or schools and institutional permission from the Vice-President, Academic. The REB coordinator will coordinate with the Office of the Vice-President, Academic or other Vice-President as appropriate on your behalf to facilitate the institutional permission process, prior to the ethical review of the REB application. The approved Institutional Approval form should be submitted with the REB application.

Internal faculty researchers should contact REB@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca for information about applying for institutional permission.

Please visit the Durham College Research Ethics Board page for additional information and the schedule of meeting dates.