Academic Integrity
Statement on Academic Integrity Academic integrity is the foundation of the development and acquisition of knowledge and is based on values of honesty, trust, responsibility, and respect. Academic...
Assessment and Evaluation
Assessments are used in a number of ways to support student learning as well as provide valuable information for students and faculty. The model...
Classroom Management
Classroom Management Classroom management is “the process by which teachers and schools create and maintain appropriate behavior of students in classroom settings. The purpose...
Digital Teaching
In 2023, the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) began to grow the available resources related to digital teaching and learning with the support...
Generative AI
Generative Artificial Intelligence or Generative AI (GenAI) is an artificial intelligence system developed to generate text, images, codes, solutions to science problems and other...
Offering and Soliciting Feedback
Collecting and supplying feedback to students offers insight into how their students are engaging with the content, understanding material and experiencing learning in their...
Open Educational Resources (OER)
Virtual Simulation: An Educator's Toolkit This open access etextbook https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/vlsvstoolkit/ was developed as a resource to help educators and simulationists use virtual simulations with...
Planning to Teach
A structured and accessible approach to teaching is essential for successful learning. Whether your just starting, or are looking for resources for new teaching...
Teaching and Learning Plan
Teaching and Learning Plan 2020 - 2025 PDF Version Flipbook Version