What are the benefits of teaching flexibly? How can this delivery mode support student learning?
Asking these questions is important to establish a moral purpose to guide flexible delivery. At the heart of flexible delivery is student choice. This choice makes space for the reality of learner variability. Part of teaching in a flexible mode is to believe that flexible delivery has the potential to reduce barriers for students.
For example, a student may be bound to an electronic wheelchair that malfunctions in damp weather, or a student may be suffering from severe anxiety. Without flexible options, both students would be denied access to learning experiences. Thus, flexible teaching has the potential to increase equity among students.
For Students
Benefits and Considerations for Students
Flexible learning has many benefits for students. However, there are also some drawbacks that students might experience in flexible delivery.
Below is an interview with Gustavo Campos, a graduate student who has experienced flexible delivery. Watch this video and consider the questions that appear as he describes his experience in this unique delivery mode.
The table below outlines the benefits and considerations students must navigate in flexible delivery. Review these lists and think about the following question:
How might I structure the learning experience to offset the unique flexible delivery considerations to provide a greater potential of successful learning within my class?
Benefits | Considerations |
Embedded in flexible delivery must be the belief that all participation modes provide equally valuable learning experiences. Students who may lack self-awareness may choose a delivery mode that does not benefit them; we can support our students in guiding their decision making by building their self-reflection skills.
For Faculty
Benefits and Considerations for Faculty
Flexible teaching provides faculty with some wonderful opportunities. However, there are also drawbacks to flexible delivery for faculty, particularly as they begin.
Benefits | Considerations |
Beatty, B. J. (2019). Designing a Hybrid-Flexible Course: Creating an Effective Learning Environment for All Students. In B. J. Beatty, Hybrid-Flexible Course Design: Implementing student-directed hybrid classes. EdTech Books. Retrieved from https://edtechbooks.org/hyflex/hyflex_design