Refer to the course learning outcomes (CLOs) to identify what skills and knowledge students need to demonstrate by the end of the course. If any CLOs cannot be met across all modalities, you may need to rewrite those CLOs or speak with your dean or associate dean. While examining CLOS, determine whether assessments will need to be completed independently or with peers and how assessments will be completed for students through the different modalities (e.g. how will asynchronous students complete a group presentation assignment).
Not all assessments translate into a hybrid environment in a way that is relevant and meaningful, and academic integrity becomes top of mind. How are you going to create and deliver an assessment that is equitable for both in-person and remote students? Would a traditional open-resource (book) assessment be completed in the same way for both sections of students? Should it be conducted during synchronous or asynchronous time? How can you revise your assessment practices to make them authentic, professionally relevant and/or representative, and completed using creativity and critical thinking skills?
Use one of the following templates to develop assessments for both your in-class and online students that address your course learning outcomes:
For more information on developing assessments, refer to the Assessment and Evaluation page.
Beatty, B. J. (2019). Designing a Hybrid-Flexible Course: Creating an Effective Learning Environment for All Students. In B. J. Beatty, Hybrid-Flexible Course Design: Implementing student-directed hybrid classes. EdTech Books. Retrieved from