Flexible teaching obviously requires specific technology. However, technology is not the center of flexible delivery. Technology may allow for specific possibilities in teaching and learning or it may, in fact, place constrains on teaching and learning. When we consider flexible technology, we need to consider it in light of course content knowledge and effective pedagogy.
Some questions that you should keep in mind regarding flexible technology are: How does the technology constrain the ways that I have traditionally taught? What type of learning experience can be created with this technology? Who would I contact for support with this technology?
Hardware & Software
For flexible courses, technology is crucial.
The Technology
Faculty need specialized equipment to ensure that classes are effectively streamed online and that students who choose the online participation option experience an equitable learning experience when compared with face-to-face (F2F) students. Below are some hardware and software considerations from the faculty and student perspectives (as they apply to DC specifically).
Download the Driver for Flexible Classrooms
Faculty will need a laptop (HDMI or USB-C are required) with a specific driver downloaded.
- Windows PC Users
- Mac Users
CFCE Global Classroom Instructions
Flexible Delivery Windows PC
Flexible Delivery Mac
Flexible Delivery Windows PC
Flexible Delivery Mac
Hardware for Faculty
Additionally, the following hardware is available in Flex classrooms:
- Monitor screen located at the front of the room to share in-person content.
- Camera to capture faculty and students.
- Microphones and speakers for online students to participate.
- Rear monitor for faculty to project online student cameras.
Software for Faculty
The list below identifies the basic software needed for a functional flexible learning environment:
- Driver for computer
- DC Connect
- Choice of synchronous tool – Microsoft Teams or Zoom
- Tools for Engagement - See Digital Tools at a Glance
Hardware & Software for Students
Each program at Durham College has different requirements for their students based on the subject matter needs. Thus, the list below identifies the basics that students should have when participating in a flexible course:
- Laptop or tablet
NOTE: If specific technical requirements are needed for flexible learning, this should have been outlined for students during their admissions process. Many DC courses that have chosen to engage in flexible delivery method have specific laptop requirements. However, others do not, and this needs to be taken into consideration when designing and delivering the course
- Web camera, usually built into the device
- Microphone, usually built into the device
- Recommended - a headset or earbuds is recommended to provide better sound quality
- Synchronous software – Zoom or Teams
- Any program specific software
Virtual/Hybrid/HyFlex Classroom Technology Setup. Information Technology Services. University of San Diego. https://www.sandiego.edu/its/support/classrooms/hybrid-classroom-technology.php