Stop, Start, Continue Survey

Looking for a way to gather formative input from your students during the semester?

This survey allows you to gather formative input as faculty during the semester.

You have two options for implementing a Stop / Start / Continue survey in your course - you can import our DC Connect survey into your DC Connect course, or you can duplicate our Microsoft Form and share the link with your students. Great news - if you're already using our DC Connect template, the Stop/Start/Continue survey is already in the template!

Using Microsoft Forms

  • Visit this Microsoft Forms survey link
  • Sign in to Office 365 with your (i.e. with your network password
  • Press "duplicate it", this will duplicate a copy of this survey for you to share with your student
  • You must ensure the settings are anonymous, press the three dots in the right corner (...), then "settings", ensure that your settings are "anyone with the link can respond" and NOT "record name".
  • Microsoft Forms "anyone with link can respond" selected
  • Then you can share the link with your students by pressing the "Share" button and then "copy". Share button, then press copy button
  • Visit our webpage for more information on using Microsoft Forms

Using DC Connect Survey

You can download the Stop / Start / Continue course content package survey below, and import it directly into your DC Connect course. This survey is automatically set as anonymous. Please ensure to keep the course content package file zipped (.zip) after downloading, and upload it into your DC Connect as a zipped course content package.

Download Start / Start / Continue Survey Course Content Module

Importing the Survey Into DC Connect

To import this course component package survey into your DC Connect course after it has been download please follow the Brightspace guide here:

Once the survey is imported, you and your students can access it by navigating to your course in DC Connect and selecting Activities > Surveys in the course navigation.

Optional – Adding the Survey to a Course Content Module

You may also place a shortcut to this survey inside of one of the course modules. For example, it can be placed in the 'Week 7' or 'Formative' module if the course content is organized in such a way. Please reference this short one minute video resource if you are looking for assistance with accomplishing this:

Optional – Modifying, or creating your own survey

If you would like to setup your own survey or modify the one above after it has been imported into the course, please check out this resource:

Viewing and Downloading Survey Results

To review survey responses as the professor, please perform the following steps:

  1. Access your course in DC Connect.
  2. Click on Activities and select the Surveys option.
  3. Click on the drop-down arrow beside the survey name.
  4. Select the Statistics option.

If there are responses to the survey, they will appear on this screen. If there are no responses, a message stating “No Attempts have been completed” will appear.

To create a report to share with your school:

You can export survey statistics and reports to an Excel file. There are two parts to this process:

Part one - To set up the report:

  1. Click on Activities and select the Surveys option.
  2. Click on the name of the Survey
  3. Click on the tab that says Reports Setup
  4. Click on New Report, add a report name and select Summary Report (this will select the buttons that say show aggregate data and show text responses). Under Release Report To, select Instructor. Then Save.

Part two - To run the report:

  1. Click on Activities and select the Surveys option.
  2. Click on the drop-down arrow beside the survey name.
  3. Select the Reports option.
  4. Press the name of your report and select the timeframe (no harm in starting from September!).
  5. Then press Generate Excel. This will download an excel report to your computer.

Stop / Start / Continue Survey Question Preview:

The survey questions in the attached course component package are as follows:

Question 1

Stop... – What current classroom routines, methods of instruction, etc. would you like to see come to an end in this course?

Feedback for Question 1
Thank you for your input. If possible, I will do my best to modify instruction or implement your suggestions.

Question 2

Start... – What classroom routines, methods of instruction, etc. not currently in play would you like to see happen in this course?

Feedback for Question 2
Thank you for your input. If possible, I will do my best to modify instruction or implement your suggestions.

Question 3

Continue... – What current classroom routines, methods of instruction, etc. are working well for you and you would like to see continued throughout the course?

Feedback for Question 3
Thank you for your input. If possible, I will do my best to modify instruction or implement your suggestions.

Question 4

Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction regarding your experience in this course.

After participating in this course, I am...

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied

Feedback for Question 4
Thank you for your input.