Keeping accessibility in mind is important when delivering and creating content.
Legal Obligation
According to AODA Section 14, all recorded videos that include audio must have captions “except when the media is a media alternative for text and is clearly labeled as such” (How to Meet WCAG, 2020). Live video does not require captions. Keep in mind - live video that is recorded must have captions available on the recorded version.
Are captions required for live video?
Although captions are not required for live video (for example: during synchronous classes), they can be beneficial to all users.
Are captions required for pre-recorded videos?
Yes, captions are required for all pre-recorded videos.
Here are some resources to help ensure your online video delivery will remain accessible to our students. In the list below, find the tool or application being used to create or deliver your video content.
Is your content live or recorded?
Are You Presenting LIVE with PowerPoint?
PowerPoint has a built-in feature that can be turned on to display live captions of what is being said during a presentation. You can position the captions to be displayed below your slide or placed elsewhere on your presentation. This can be used when delivering a PowerPoint presentation face-to-face. PowerPoint captioning can also be used in conjunction with other meeting tools being used if they do not have a live caption feature (such as Virtual Classroom).
Faculty or Student Controlled?
This feature is turned on by the faculty member in PowerPoint.
Step 1 - Enable Subtitles
- Within PowerPoint, go to the Slide Show tab and enable Always Use Subtitles
Step 2 - Launch Slide Show
- Go into slide show mode the same way as usual and live captions will appear as you talk.
For more detailed instructions:
Watch this video on Live Captions and Subtitles or visit a link below for text instructions:
Other Notes
If your desktop version of PowerPoint does not have the Always Use Subtitles option available on the Slide Show tab, you can use the web version of PowerPoint instead. Or try installing the latest version of the Office 365 suite by logging onto with your college credentials ( and network password) and select Install Office in the upper right-hand corner. Note for Mac OS X High Sierra or earlier: You might not be able to update your desktop version of PowerPoint – therefore, you will need to use the web version to access the Always Use Subtitles option, or update your OS.
Are You Sharing a RECORDED PowerPoint video?
When using the “Record Slide Show” feature to capture a PowerPoint recording, it is recommended that you export the recording as a video and then upload it to YouTube or Microsoft Stream. The captioning will happen in the video streaming service (YouTube or Microsoft Stream), NOT by using Live Subtitles within PowerPoint.
Faculty or Student Controlled?
The faculty member will share their PowerPoint recording through a video streaming service (YouTube or Microsoft Stream) and ensure captions are enabled.
The student will choose to turn the captions on in the video player when watching the recording.
Step 1 - Create PowerPoint Recording
- Create a PowerPoint recording using Record Slide Show on the Slide Show tab.
- Export the recording from PowerPoint as a video by going to File > Export.
- Learn more: How to Record Your PowerPoint Slide Show
Step 2 - Upload to Video Streaming Service and Ensure Captions Are Available
- Upload your recording to a video streaming service such as YouTube or Microsoft Stream and ensure auto captions have been enabled. This is where the automatic captions are generated.
- Learn how: Visit the YouTube or Microsoft Stream sections of this page.
Step 3 – If Your Captions Need Edits
- Depending on the clarity and complexity of the dialogue in the video, some manual editing of the autogenerated captions might be needed. Learn how to edit auto captions: read or watch.
- If autogenerated captions are not sufficient, please complete the Captioning Request Form, to submit your video for professional captioning through the CTL.
Step 4 - Share in DC Connect
- Share the YouTube or Microsoft video link with students in DC Connect.
- Learn how: Adding Content to DC Connect
Other Notes
When using the Record Slide Show feature to capture PowerPoint recordings, live captions will not be captured (even if “Always Use Subtitles” is enabled). The built-in subtitle feature within PowerPoint is intended for live presentations. Captioning will happen in YouTube or Microsoft Stream.
Microsoft Teams
Is your content live or recorded?
Are You Meeting LIVE with Teams?
Teams has a built-in feature that provides live captions for meetings taking place within a Team.
Faculty or Student Controlled?
Students are responsible for turning on the live caption preview on their own device.
Faculty do not need to do anything.
Step 1 – Use the Desktop Version of Teams
- Participants MUST use the downloaded desktop or mobile app to view live captions.
- To install the latest version of the Office 365 suite (including the desktop version of Teams), go to and sign-in with your college credentials ( and network password). Then select Install Office in the upper right-hand corner.
Step 2 – Turn on Captions
- Within a Teams meeting, participants can turn on live captions by clicking on the More actions menu indicated by the 3-dot icon, then select Turn on live captions.
- For more detailed instructions: Visit Use live captions in a Teams meeting
Are You Sharing a RECORDED Teams channel video?
GOOD NEWS: If you are recording a class in Teams, the recording is now automatically made available to your students with captions. No additional steps are required to generate and apply the captions. When Start recording is selected during your Team meeting, a transcript will automatically be generated and then added to the recording as captions.
Step 1 – Start a Meeting
- Start a meeting in the Teams channel using the Meet icon as usual.
Step 2 – Record Meeting
- Open the More actions menu (3-dot icon) and select Start recording. A transcript will automatically be generated and then added to the recording as captions.
Step 3 – Locate & Watch Recording
After the recording has been stopped, the video file can be found in the Files area of the MS Teams channel within a folder called Recordings, or in the Posts area where the meeting was started.

Once the captions are available, there will be a CC button on the player that students can use to turn them on. If you do not see this button immediately, the captions might still be processing in the background. Allow time for the captions to be prepared and then check back.
Are You Sharing a RECORDED Teams Scheduled Meeting video?
As a result of a Microsoft Stream update that occurred on July 7th 2021, Teams recordings are now being saved to OneDrive. If you are recording a meeting scheduled through Outlook, no additional steps are required to generate and apply captions. When Start recording is selected during your Teams meeting, a transcript will automatically be generated and then added to the recording as captions.
- Open the More actions menu (3-dot icon) and select Start recording. A transcript will automatically be generated and then added to the recording as captions.
- When done, select Stop recording.
- The recording will be saved in your OneDrive account in a folder labeled “Recordings”. Visit this CTL Microsoft OneDrive resource for information on accessing and using OneDrive.
- Open the recording. You will notice CC in the control bar at the bottom of the video. This is the closed captioning that was created with the transcription feature.
- In the top left-hand corner, you will see Share and Copy buttons. This is much like any other OneDrive document. You can share by adding individual names or you can copy the link to the video and paste it wherever needed.
Is your content live or recorded?
Are You Presenting LIVE with Zoom?
Zoom has a built-in feature that can be enabled to display live captions of what is being said during a meeting. The host must enable auto-transcription so participants can then choose to have live captions visible on their end.
Faculty or Student Controlled?
This feature is enabled by the faculty member once a Zoom meeting has started.
Students will then have access to the CC button to turn on live captions.
Step 1 - Start a Meeting
- Start meeting in Zoom as usual.
Step 2 - Enable Live Transcription
- Select Live Transcript listed along the bottom menu.
- Then select Enable.
Step 3 - Students Turn on Captions
- Students will now be able to turn live captions on and off during the meeting.
For more information:
Are You Sharing a RECORDED Zoom video?
When sharing a recorded Zoom meeting, it is recommended that you save the recording to your computer and then upload it to YouTube where captions will automatically be generated. Please note that although Zoom has an option to record directly to the cloud, the recordings will be deleted after 14 days.
Faculty or Student Controlled?
When the faculty member uploads the video to YouTube, captions will automatically be generated.
The student will choose to turn the captions on in the YouTube player when watching the video.
Step 1 - Start a Meeting
- Start meeting in Zoom as usual.
Step 2 - Record to Computer
- Select Record, then Record on this Computer
Note: The option Record to the Cloud will upload the recording to Durham College Zoom cloud space and automatically produce closed captions, however, the recordings will be deleted after 14 days.
Step 3 – End Meeting
- When the meeting is ended, the recording will automatically be saved to a Zoom folder in your computers Documents.
- Three files will be saved. The file titled zoom_0.mp4 holds the complete recording and is the file that should be uploaded to YouTube.
Step 4 - Upload to YouTube
- Upload the file titled zoom_0.mp4 to YouTube for captioning and sharing.
- Visit this CTL resource for instructions on uploading to YouTube.
- Captions should be automatically generated in YouTube. If autogenerated captions are not sufficient, please complete the Captioning Request Form, to submit your video for professional captioning through the CTL.
DC Connect Video Note
Are You Creating a RECORDED Video Note in DC Connect?
DC Connect has a Video Note tool that allows faculty to create webcam video recordings (maximum 30 minutes) directly in DC Connect. Video Notes can be added to content, announcements, assignments and discussion posts. Automatic captions included!
Faculty or Student Controlled?
The faculty member is responsible for enabling the automatic captions for the Video Note.
The student will choose to turn the captions on from within the video player when watching the recording.
The CTL can help with edits of the auto captions, or creation of professional captions if needed.
Step 1 – Create a Video Note Recording
- From any HTML editor in DC Connect, select Insert Stuff
- Select Add Video Note
- Start recording by selecting New Recording, then Stop Recording when done
- Select Next
Step 2 – Set Video Language and Enable Captions
- Enter the video title and a brief description
- Set the Audio Language
- Enable Automatically generate captions from audio
(if you do not see these options, scroll down – they might be hidden) - Learn more: For more detailed instructions watch DC Connect: How to Use Video Note
Step 3 – Check for Captions
- Allow time for the captions to be generated. This can take 1-2 times the length of the video, or longer.
- Once the Video Note is done processing you will be able to preview it. When playing the video, click on the More Options menu (3-dot icon). Note: If you do not see the More Options icon, please try a different browser.
- When the captions have been generated, a Captions option will display in the menu.
- This is the method students will use to turn captions on if they choose.
Step 4 – If Your Captions Need Edits
- Faculty are not able to edit Video Note captions themselves within DC Connect.
- If autogenerated captions are not sufficient, please complete the Captioning Request Form (located at the bottom of this captioning page) to request an update or have professional captions created.
Other Notes
If capture or playback is not working, try using a different browser. Video Note works well with Chrome.
Sharing Videos with YouTube
Are You Sharing a YouTube Video That You Own?
YouTube has auto captions that have come a long way from the initial days of auto captioning. YouTube captions should automatically be generated without any additional steps required. If you are uploading videos to YouTube, please keep the following information in mind.Faculty or Student Controlled?
The faculty member is responsible for ensuring automatic captions for the YouTube video are available. The student will choose to turn the captions on from within the video player when watching the video. The CTL can help with the creation of professional captions if needed.Instructions
Step 1 – Upload Your Video to YouTube
- Learn how: Visit this CTL resource – Share Your Video
Step 2 – Ensure Your Video Has Captions
- YouTube should automatically create captions for your video without needing to do anything additional.
- Allow time for captions to be generated. Generally, this can take 1-2 times the length of the video, however, this timeframe can be longer depending on the audio complexity and also how busy YouTube is.
- Check to see if your video has captions by looking for a CC button on the player. Select it to display the captions. If captions are present, you’re all set and can share the video with your students.
- If your video does not have captions after waiting a day, visit the Automatic Captions on Videos-on-demand section of this YouTube resource. Or contact the CTL for assistance.
Step 3 – If Your Captions Need Edits
- Depending on the clarity and complexity of the dialogue in the video, some manual editing of the autogenerated captions might be needed. Learn how to edit auto captions: read or watch.
- If autogenerated captions are not sufficient, please complete the Captioning Request Form (located at the bottom of this captioning page) to submit your video for professional captioning through the CTL.
Other Notes
Set your video to "Unlisted" if you do not want to share your video with the world. "Unlisted" will keep your video hidden from search engines and YouTube’s search feature. Only people with the link will have access to your video. Learn how to change video privacy settings.Are You Sharing a YouTube Video That You Don’t Own?
Most YouTube videos will have auto captions available by default, however, if you are sharing a video that you don’t own and it doesn’t have auto captions, the CTL can help. One of the captioning providers the CTL works with can easily caption third-party YouTube videos.
Faculty or Student Controlled?
The faculty member is responsible for ensuring the YouTube videos being shared have captions available.
The student will choose to turn captions on from within the video player when watching the video.
The CTL can help with the creation of professional captions if needed.
Step 1 – Check for Captions
- Check for captions on the YouTube video by looking for a CC button on the player. Select it to display the captions. If captions are present, you’re all set and can share the video with your students.
- If the YouTube video does not have captions, or the existing captions are not sufficient, continue with the steps below.
Step 2 – Copy YouTube Link
- Copy the YouTube link by clicking SHARE and then copy (or from directly within the address bar of the web browser). This link will be shared in the Captioning Request Form in Step 3.
Step 3 – Complete the Captioning Request Form
Complete the Captioning Request Form to submit your video for professional captioning through the CTL.
Sharing Videos with Microsoft OneDrive
Are You Sharing a Video in Microsoft ONEDRIVE?
Microsoft OneDrive is part of the Office 365 suite and it allows users to store and share files, including videos. Captions can now be generated or uploaded to the videos, making OneDrive an accessible option for sharing videos.
Faculty or Student Controlled?
The faculty member must select the option to generate automatic captions or upload a caption file in the Transcript and Captions section.
The student will choose to turn captions on from within the video player when watching the video.
Instructions (Detailed)
Visit this step-by-step CTL instruction document to learn how to Share Videos Using OneDrive (PDF).
Instructions (QUICK STEPS)
Step 1 – Upload Video to OneDrive
- Upload the video file to OneDrive the same way you would upload other files.
Step 2 – Generate or Upload Captions
- Click on the file name to open the video in viewing mode.
- Select Video settings, in the top right corner. If you do not see this option, press play on the video and the menu options should appear.
- Expand the Transcript and captions section and select Generate to create automatic captions, or Upload if you have a professional caption file.
- Note that it can take time for automatic captions to be generated. Generally, this can take 1-2 times the length of the video, however, this timeframe can be longer depending on other factors.
- Check to see if your video has captions by looking for a CC button on the player (or look for a transcript displayed to the right of the video). If captions are present, you’re all set and can share the video with your students.
- If your video does not have captions after waiting a day, please contact the CTL for assistance.
Step 3 – If Your Captions Need Editing
- NEW FEATURE COMING: Microsoft is working on additional video features, one being the ability to easily edit captions within the transcript window in OneDrive or Sharepoint.
- If the autogenerated captions are not sufficient, please complete the Captioning Request Form to submit your video for professional captioning through the CTL.
Step 4 - Get a Shareable Link
- Use the Copy link option to get a shareable link to post in DC Connect.
Sharing Videos with Microsoft Stream
Are You Sharing a Video in Microsoft Stream?
Microsoft Stream is an Office 365 video streaming service that allows faculty and students to upload, view and share videos securely within our organization. Microsoft Stream has the ability to autogenerate captions, if the video language has been set.
Faculty or Student Controlled?
The faculty member must set the video language, so captions can be autogenerated.
The student will choose to turn captions on from within the video player when watching the video.
Step 1 – Set Video Language to Enable Autogenerated Captions
- Learn how to set the video language to enable autogenerated captions in Microsoft Stream by reading Microsoft Stream: How to Enable Auto Captions (PDF)
Step 2 – Ensure Your Video Has Captions
- Once the video language is set, captions should be automatically generated without needing to do anything additional.
- Allow time for captions to be generated. Generally, this can take 1-2 times the length of the video, however, this timeframe can be longer depending on the audio complexity.
- Check to see if your video has captions by looking for a CC button on the player (or look for a transcript displayed to the right of the video). If captions are present, you’re all set and can share the video with your students.
- If your video does not have captions after waiting a day, please contact the CTL for assistance.
Step 3 – If Your Captions Need Edits
- Depending on the clarity and complexity of the dialogue in the video, some manual editing of the autogenerated captions might be needed. Captions can be edited in the transcript window and by updating the transcript the captions will be automatically updated. Learn how to edit auto captions: Edit the Transcript of a Video in Microsoft Stream.
- If the autogenerated captions are not sufficient, please complete the Captioning Request Form to submit your video for professional captioning through the CTL.
Step 4 - Share in DC Connect
- Learn How to Share a Microsoft Stream Video in DC Connect: Sharing a Stream Video in DC Connect (PDF)
Chrome has a built-in accessibility feature that generates live captions for any video content playing within the browser!
To turn this feature on: When playing a video, locate and click on the Media control icon (represented with a music note) in the top right corner of the browser.
Then turn on Live Caption [English Only].
Once this setting is turned on, captions will be displayed at the bottom of the browser window whenever a video is playing within the browser.
For more information on this feature, visit: Use Live Caption in Chrome.
Captioning Service Through the CTL
- Are the auto captions for your videos inaccurate?
- Do you have a student who requires captioning as an accommodation?
- Are you sharing a YouTube video that doesn’t have auto captions and you do not own it?
If any of the above apply, please complete the Captioning Request Form to have your video professionally captioned through the CTL.