Durham Esports Summer Camps Announcement Posted on June 10, 2019 at 2:36 pm. Durham College is proud to announce our first Electronic Sports (Esports) summer camps. Each week the College will offer gaming camps centered on self-improvement and team building as well as staying healthy while gaming. In these camps, our handpicked Esports coaches will provide assistance in teaching players skills in order to help each child grow in a competitive environment. They will learn and improve their game mechanics to give them an edge in whichever title they choose to play. These camps will range from a Console games focus in the first week, major Esports titles, and an exclusive girls week. The camps cost range from $250-$295 for the full week, and can also be paired with a meal plan option to insure your child receives proper nourishment during the camp. For more information please visit the website or send us an email at esports@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca. Hope to see you there. SHARE: