
Changing any of the form inputs will cause the list of events to refresh with the filtered results.

Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

4 events,


Study Strategies Workshop


Reddit AMA: Financial Aid and Awards

7 events,


Esports Industry Symposium


Test and Exam Preparation Workshop

7 events,


Fall Convocation


Science Literacy Week: Coffee & Book Chat Drop-In!

5 events,




Presentation Skills Workshop


Problem-Solving Strategies Workshop

4 events,

Start Date for PPL Monthly Online Courses

Bandi Chhor Divas


Academic Integrity Workshop

0 events,

0 events,

3 events,

Treaties Recognition Week


Student Feedback Questionnaire


Calm Campus: Mindful Mondays- Oshawa Campus

5 events,


Overcoming Procrastination Workshop


FC25 Tournament

3 events,


Study Strategies Workshop


Design Your Career

7 events,


International Inuit Day


Camp Wellness: Forest Bathing


Test and Exam Preparation Workshop

4 events,

Indigenous Veterans Day


Calm Campus: Mindful Fridays at Whitby Campus

1 event,


Fall Open House

1 event,

Rock Your Mocs

Rock Your Mocs

4 events,


Act of Remembrance Ceremony – Oshawa campus


Act of Remembrance Ceremony – Whitby campus

6 events,


Test and Exam Preparation Workshop


BTS: Nutrition Seminars with Sylvia Emmorey


WWE 2K24 Tournament

5 events,


Problem-Solving Strategies Workshop


Support Your Student webinar

8 events,




Voices of Impact: Turning Challenges into Opportunities


Academic Integrity Workshop

1 event,

1 event,

0 events,

3 events,


Start Strong Series: Introduction to PREP 1000 & Navigating your First-Year


Start Strong Series: Leading the Way with Enrolment Services

9 events,


International Education Week: A Community Cultural Mosaic


Start Strong Series: Setting Up Your DC Digital Wallet including your Campus ID & U-PASS

10 events,


From Classroom to Career: Navigating the Essential Employability Skills Needed in Today’s Workplace


Start Strong Series: DCSA – Meet your student union


DC Talks: Alumni Series “The Importance of Giving Back”

9 events,


Pathways Session: KOM Educational Consultants


Pathways Session: KOM Educational Consultants – Study in Ireland, UK, and Australia


Camp Wellness: Health Hikes

2 events,


APA/MLA Referencing Workshop

4 events,

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women


Whitby Campus Tour for First-Year Students


Mature Students Webinar

9 events,


Start Strong Series: Access and Support Centre (ASC) – Setting up Your Supports and Accommodations


Sporcle Community Challenge


Start Strong Series: Housing – Know Your Renters Rights With DCSA’s Lawyer William Reid

5 events,


Boost Your Job Search with The AI Advantage


Start Strong Series: Student Academic Learning Services (SALS) – Your Academic Success Partner


Test and Exam Preparation Workshop

7 events,


Oshawa Campus Tour for First-Year Students


Camp Wellness: Wonder Walks

2 events,


Desi Pub Night with DCSA

0 events,

1 event,

Advent Sunday/Advent
