Media Release Form For more information or to request alternate formats of this form for accessibility, please contact Without compensation of any kind, I hereby give Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology (Durham College) and its respective agents in perpetuity and throughout the world, the right and permission to do the following in any of its promotional materials including advertisements, publications, posters, websites, videos, etc.: Create photographic or electronic records containing my image and/or communications related to my attendance at Durham College including classroom participation, use of campus facilities, laboratories, training, sports, clubs or any extra-curricular matter; Copyright the photographic or electronic records containing my image and/or communications in its own name or in any other name which it may choose; Telecast the photographic or electronic records one or more times over any Internet site, station or stations, to publicize any portion thereof by any means, for any purpose whatsoever in whole or part, including – but not limited to – promotion, advertising or trade; Use my name in connection therewith if it so chooses; and Forward the photographic or electronic records containing my image and/or communications to media outlets for use in articles or audiovisual programs promoting the college. I acknowledge that Durham College is, and will be, the sole owner of all rights in and to the photographic or electronic records thereof, for all purposes indicated above in perpetuity. I hereby assign any copyright or publicity rights, or any other rights that I may have regarding the photographic or electronic records to Durham College. I also release Durham College, its governors, officers and employees (the “Releasees”), by reason of the use of these photographic or electronic records from any and all claims, demands and actions of any nature which I could, or might have against the Releasee(s) by reason of any fact or matter whatsoever.If under 18 years of age, a signature of a parent or guardian is required.* I am over 18 years of age I am under 18 years of age Name* First Last Email* Subject/Purpose*Reason for photo or videoConsent* I agree*By checking this box, I acknowledge that I am 18 years or older, have read, understand and agree with the contents contained within this form. I acknowledge that I have read and understood this document. I agree to its terms in connection with the photographic or electronic records of the likeness of my child.Parent or Guardian’s Name:* First Last Email* Consent* I agree*By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree with the contents contained within this form and give permission for my child to participate. CAPTCHA Notice of Collection In accordance with Section 39(2) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990, the personal information collected on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002 and may be used and/or disclosed to obtain permission to use likeness in Durham College photographic, video and media. Your personal information may also be used for various administrative, statistical and/or research purposes of the College and/or ministries and agencies of the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada. If you have any questions about the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information by the College, please contact the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Coordinator, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, ON, L1G 0C5, 905.721.2000 ext. 3292.