Did you know the top cause of preventable death in trauma is bleeding? In fact, according to STOP THE BLEED®, 20 percent of deaths from traumatic injuries could have been prevented with quick bleeding control.

Durham College (DC) welcomes staff and students to participate in our first STOP THE BLEED® program, offered in partnership with Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre’s Centre for Injury Prevention. As the first post-secondary school in Ontario and only the second one in Canada to offer this training, DC is proud to lead the way in improved campus safety and security through events and training like STOP THE BLEED®.

STOP THE BLEED® seeks to empower trained bystanders to quickly take life-saving action when needed. With this training, you could help save a life one day – possibly even your own!

Disclaimer: Due to the nature of this training, we would like to warn participants that they should expect to see visuals and videos of bleeding and injuries.

Please also note that as per Durham College COVID policies, masks will be required for the duration of the session. For more information on DC's updated health and safety measures, please visit websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca/COVID.

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