Orientation One of the unforgettable experiences I have had is being able to enter one of the best colleges in Canada, Durham College. Leaving my country, language and friends has been a great challenge. However, Durham College has opened new horizons for me. I have made friends from different countries, my English increases daily, the teachers are professional, and the facilities are outstanding. Moreover, one of the services that I am very grateful and impressed with is the international student services. Since I decided that Durham would be part of my future, I contacted the College and am impressed with the speed with which they answer emails and follow up on every question. Durham provided the necessary information for things like: payment methods, accommodation options, and even tips for arriving at the Canadian airport. In addition, when I arrived at the school, I felt highly welcomed and guided. Even though I wasn't that involved with technology, Durham has taught me how to use their various online tools through which students can communicate with teachers, classmates, class schedules, and grades, among other things. Durham always cared about my process. I am grateful for this excellent service because, for that reason, I can be in this beautiful country and study Fitness and Health Promotion in the best college. Therefore, I recommend Durham College one hundred percent as an international student. Sony Campos International student from Mexico City As an international student who came from Sri Lanka, I had many hopes and dreams to achieve academically. During my search, I came across Durham college, and I knew it was the right place for me. As a student in the business field, I decided to take a marketing program. A few months after I started my program, there were unfortunate incidents that took place in my life. My country’s economy and government had been disrupted and when this took place, there was no way that my parents could send me money for my tuition fees or other expenses. Also, while this was happening, an unfortunate family event took place in my life, which in turn also negatively affected my finances. This led me to contemplate putting my schooling on hold and go back to Sri Lanka. It is then when I reached out the International Education Office. The staff members were really nice to me, understood my situation, and decided to assist me with financial support towards my upcoming semester payments. This support and the encouragement I received made me stay in school to finish my education. As a student who is in their final year of college, I want to say a big thank you to the International Education Office for the services they provided me. I believe that words cannot describe how much this meant to me and my family. This experience has showed me that staff at Durham College really care about their students and their success! Dinal Peiris International student from Sri Lanka RS23235_20180831-international-orientation-17RS23232_20180831-international-orientation-14RS23236_20180831-international-orientation-18A 20190104-internation-student-orientation-8718 A 20190104-internation-student-orientation-8718Slide Durham College has offered me the chance to pursue Project Management after nine years of work experience. This course offers a great course structure, learning possibilities, and is well suited for international students. This has provided me the chance to polish my skills and help me re-enter the educational environment. Students at Durham College have excellent opportunities to open up during talks and feel more at home in a Canadian setting. The course is taught by a superb and encouraging faculty that is ever eager to teach more. Professors are open-minded and welcoming to everyone. The best part about this place is that they place a strong emphasis on both academics and personal growth. The faculty at Durham College goes above and beyond their call of duty to support the students and provide them with any additional support, guidance, or advice they may require along the path. College career services provided at Durham can help you construct a resume in the Canadian format and can point you in the proper path. Enjoy being a member of the Durham family. Sri Sai Ramya Tholeti Project Management student