DC and UOIT to hold campus master planning open house

Event will mark beginning of consultation process

Oshawa, Ont. – Members of the media and the general public are invited to attend Durham College (DC) and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology’s (UOIT) joint campus master planning open house on Wednesday, January 29.

The event, which marks the beginning of the consultation process for the new campus master plan (CMP), is part of a shared commitment to innovative and successful post-secondary education, including the new classrooms, laboratories and infrastructure required to support the learning of current and future students, professors and researchers.

The CMP, which is designed to address the future expansion and needs of both institutions, will provide opportunities for the college and university’s joint campus in north Oshawa as well as DC’s Whitby campus and UOIT’s downtown Oshawa location. It will include decisions on:

  • How best to create a mixed-use hub for activity between the two academic institutions.
  • How to support the ongoing development of north Oshawa as a complete community with enhanced transit opportunities, natural heritage linkages and the infrastructure needed to accommodate sustainable development.
  • Ensuring that all campuses and locations are sustainable in terms of building design but also in terms of walkability, active transportation and respect for the natural environment.

Attendees will learn more about the:

  • Planning to date including the vision and principles of the CMP initiative.
  • Framework plan.
  • Key findings and recommendations to date.

Additional information about the event and the planning process can be found at www.campusmasterplan.ca. For those unable to attend the event, feedback can be submitted via the website.


  • Andrea Bourrie, MMM Group, leader of the CMP process
  • Durham College students, faculty and staff
  • College and university academic, business, community and government partners
  • Members of the DC and UOIT leadership teams


January 29 from 3 to 5 p.m. with the presentation beginning at 3:45 p.m.


Durham College and UOIT joint Oshawa campus
Gordon Willey building, Dining Room (G213)
2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario


Enter off Simcoe Street North or Conlin Road and proceed to Founders 2/3 parking lot.

For more information contact:

Durham College
Allison Rosnak
905.721.2000 ext. 2333 or allison.rosnak@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca

Melissa Levy
905.721.8668 ext. 6733 or melissa.levy@uoit.ca