Durham College student named regional winner of Premier's Awards 15th Anniversary Student Logo Design Competition Posted on February 20, 2007 at 3:35 pm. February 20, 2007 Second-year Graphic Design student commended for high quality and creative logo design OSHAWA, Ont. – Durham College announced today that Heather Anderson, a second-year Graphic Design student, has been named a regional winner of the Premier’s Awards 15th Anniversary Student Logo Design Competition. Anderson, one of three regional winners recognized for their high-quality and creative logo design, placed first in the Eastern Region, earning a $500 prize and nudging out eight other submissions in that category and close to 200 students overall. “I am very honoured and thankful to receive this award,” said Anderson. “It was a co-worker who brought this competition to my attention and I am thankful that she encouraged me to enter. In addition, I am truly impressed with the Premier’s Awards committee for providing the province’s design students with an opportunity to excel in their field of study while rewarding their efforts with these outstanding awards.” Established in 1992 to mark the 25th anniversary year of Ontario’s public colleges, and administered by the College Compensation and Appointments Council, the Ontario Premier’s Awards for College Graduates honour the important social and economic contributions made by college graduates. Presented annually, the awards acknowledge six outstanding graduates, one each from the areas of Creative Arts and Design, Community Services, Business, Health Sciences, Technology, and Recent Graduate. The recipients are chosen from nominations submitted by Ontario’s 24 colleges. Award winners are given a medal designed by sculptor Dora de Pedery-Hunt and the graduating college receives a $5,000 bursary. Jeffrey S. Boyce, a 1980 graduate of the Durham College General Business- Marketing program was named one of the six recipients for 2006 and Ian Ball, a 2002 Business Administration -Marketing graduate and Sheila Corriveau, a 1988 Creative Arts and Design program graduate also received nominations. Last fall, college students across the province were invited to enter the 15th Anniversary Student Logo Design Competition. Participants were invited to try their hand at designing the winning logo for the Premier’s Awards ceremony for a chance to become the overall provincial winner – taking home a grand prize of $1,000 or one of three regional prize winners for the Central, Eastern and Northern Regions, taking home a prize of $500. “On behalf of Durham College I’d like to extend my sincere congratulations to Heather on such a tremendous achievement,” said Leah Myers, president of Durham College. “As one of Ontario’s leading post-secondary institutions, Durham College is 100-per cent committed to student success and excellence. We are very proud of Heather’s success and the quality of her work. I am more than confident she is well on her way to an outstanding future career.” Anderson received her award at the 2006 Premier’s Awards Ceremony held last night at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel in Toronto. About Durham College For close to 40 years, Durham College has provided high-demand programs, professors with real-world experience, the latest technology, and an unwavering commitment to student success. Number one in the Greater Toronto Area based on a combined ranking in the areas of student, graduate, and employer satisfaction; graduate employment; and graduation rate for seven years running according to the provincial government’s indicator surveys, the college also has the highest graduate employment rate – 93.1 per cent – of all six GTA colleges. The college has close to 6,000 full-time and 23,000 part-time students enrolled in over 100 programs and courses and over 1,500 apprentices. For more information, visit the website at www.websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca or call 905.721.2000. Media contact: Allison RosnakCommunications and Marketing905.721.3111 ext. 2513allison.rosnak@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca Disclaimer: The contact information provided in archived news releases was current at the release date. For current information please contact Communications, Marketing and External Relations. SHARE: