Durham College to celebrate class of 2013 at spring convocation ceremonies Posted on June 17, 2013 at 1:27 pm. Honorary credential and professor emeritus recipients and alumni of distinction will also be recognized OSHAWA, Ont. – More than 2,500 Durham College students, along with their family and friends and college faculty and staff, will celebrate their post-secondary success at the college’s annual spring convocation ceremonies on Thursday, June 20 and Friday, June 21 at the General Motors Centre in Oshawa, Ont. On June 20 graduates from the schools of Media, Art & Design; Science & Engineering Technology; Business, IT & Management; and Skilled Trades, Apprenticeship & Renewable Technology; will receive their diplomas and certificates and on June 21 ceremonies will be held for the schools of Justice & Emergency Services; Continuing Education; Health & Community Services; and Interdisciplinary Studies & Employment Services. In addition, the college will present its fourth Honorary Credential to Linda Franklin, president and chief executive officer, Colleges Ontario, in the category of Public Relations on Thursday afternoon and Cala Dimitroff, a former Academic Upgrading professor, advisor and program co-ordinator, with the School of Interdisciplinary Studies & Employment Services, will receive the college’s Professor Emeritus award on Friday afternoon. Alumni of distinction awards will also be presented to Kevin Campbell, Paul Clark, Steve Dickson, Marnie Ham, Michael Lysko, Patricia Mazzotta, Eddy Racine and Erik Wachuk over the course of four ceremonies taking place over two days. When: June 20 10 a.m.School of Media, Art & DesignSchool of Science & Engineering Technology 2 p.m.School of Business, IT & Management School of Skilled Trades, Apprenticeship & Renewable Technology June 21 10 a.m. School of Justice & Emergency ServicesSchool of Continuing Education 2 p.m.School of Health & Community Services School of Interdisciplinary Studies & Employment Services Where:General Motors Centre99 Athol Street EastOshawa, Ontario For more information contact:Michelle Roebuck/Allison RosnakCommunications and Marketing905.721.2000 ext. 2197/ext. 2333michelle.roebuck@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca/allison.rosnak@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca SHARE: