Durham Region Home Builders’ Association and partners to present $22,000 bursary to Durham College at Annual Builders Awards Posted on April 13, 2007 at 3:14 pm. April 13, 2007 Donation to benefit students attending School of Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship OSHAWA, Ont. – On Friday, April 20 the Durham Region Home Builders’ Association (DRHBA) will host its annual Awards of Excellence event at Deer Creek Golf & Banquet Facility in Ajax, Ontario. Approximately 200 guests including representatives from various levels of government are expected to attend the event where 21 awards will recognize achievement in categories including sales and marketing, home design, the use of environmentally friendly building materials, and technology. “Last year, home builders built over 5,300 homes in Durham Region,” said John Willems, chair of the DRHBA’s Awards Committee. “The annual Awards of Excellence event allows us to centre out and celebrate excellence in workmanship, people, products, services, creativity, innovation, ideals and philosophies. It also helps demonstrate just how much the home building industry impacts and benefits the local economy.” In addition to the awards ceremony, the DRHBA, in partnership with Durham Region Local Training Board (DRLTB), will also make an $11,000 donation to students enrolled in the Durham College School of Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship. The donation will be used to develop the Durham Region Home Builders’ Association Bursary which will be awarded annually to students who are enrolled in a full-time skilled trades program and have a demonstrated financial need. The contribution of $11,000 meets the criteria necessary to qualify for the Government of Ontario’s matching program, the Ontario Trust for Student Support, to create a total endowment of $22,000. “Through its support of the School of Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship, the Durham Region Home Builders’ Association aims to grow and nurture a local labour pool of skilled trades and make a meaningful contribution to students in need,” said Kathy Chateauvert, president of the DRHBA. The bursary will be provided on an annual basis with preference given to female and male students on a rotating basis of odd and even numbered years. “On behalf of everyone at Durham College, I’d like to thank the Durham Region Home Builders’ Association for their generous financial support,” said Leah Myers, president of Durham College. “This bursary will help ensure students in financial need receive the support necessary to aggressively pursue a skilled trades education that will put them in great demand upon graduation. As a skilled trades leader, Durham College looks forward to partnering with the Durham Region Home Builders’ Association to offer more students than ever an opportunity to pursue an education and ultimately a rewarding career.” EVENT DETAILS Date: Friday April 20, 2007 Location: Deer Creek Golf & Banquet Facility, 2700 Audley Road North Ajax, Ontario L1Z 1T7 Time: Cocktail reception from 6 to 7 p.m. Dinner from 7 to 8:30 p.m. (Leah Myers, president of Durham College to deliver keynote address) Awards presentation from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. ### About the Durham Region Home Builders’ Association The mission of the Durham Region Home Builders’ Association is to be the voice of the residential construction industry in Durham Region, to achieve an environment in which its membership can operate profitably, and to promote affordability and choice of high quality homes for new home buyers. About Durham College For close to 40 years, Durham College has provided high-demand programs, professors with real-world experience, the latest technology, and an unwavering commitment to student success. The college has close to 6,000 full-time students and close to 80 different post-secondary programs, as well as 23,000 part-time registrations and over 1,500 registered apprentices. For more information, visit the website at www.websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca or call 905.721.2000. Media contacts: John Willems DRHBA 416.670.2421 jwillems@drhba.com Allison Rosnak Durham College 905.721.3111 ext. 2513 allison.rosnak@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca Disclaimer: The contact information provided in archived news releases was current at the release date. For current information please contact Communications, Marketing and External Relations. SHARE: