Mature Student Information Sessions invite adult learners back to school

Oshawa, Ont. – In an effort to encourage potential students over the age of 19 to consider Durham College (DC) as a post-secondary destination, DC is offering monthly Mature Student Information Sessions at the Oshawa campus.

“Statistics from Colleges Ontario show that 65 per cent of applicants to college are not applying directly from high school,” said Devon Turcotte, student recruitment specialist, Strategic Enrolment Services at DC. “Mature students aren’t fish out of water, they’re in good company, and these sessions are a great way for them to see that while at the same time finding out about all the services we offer to help all of our students succeed.”

The series of information sessions, which kicked off in September and continue on Wednesday, November 18, will be held each month through April 2016 and provide mature students who are thinking about enrolling with important and helpful guidelines to help them succeed in a college setting.

In addition to campus tours, potential students will receive helpful tips and information focusing on a variety of topics including admission procedures, academic upgrading and career planning resources. They can also learn more information about the Financial Aid and Awards office and the academic support available through Student Academic Learning Services.

Future sessions will be held on Wednesday, December 9 and in 2016 on January 20; February 17; March 9; and April 27.


About Durham College

At Durham College, the student experience comes first. In September 2015, the college welcomed more than 30,000 students to campus including 11,200 full-time post-secondary and apprenticeship students as well as part-time and continuing education students and online learners. The college offers a wide range of market-driven programs in a number of different disciplines including culinary, hospitality, tourism, horticulture, business, information technology, media, art, design, general arts, science, skilled trades, justice, emergency services, health and engineering technology, enabling students to develop the skills required to meet the demands of today’s job market.

A three-phase expansion of the college’s Whitby campus concluded with the opening of the 36,000-square-foot Centre for Food located on the northwest corner of campus. Accommodating approximately 900 additional students studying in culinary, baking, hospitality, event management, food science, and agricultural and horticultural programs, the CFF features Bistro ’67, a 70-seat, full-service, green-certified teaching-inspired restaurant and Pantry, a retail store featuring fresh-baked items, meals-to-go, preserved foods and ready-to-cook meals created by students in the college’s culinary and baking programs.

For more information, visit or call 905.721.2000.


Media contacts:

Michelle Roebuck

Communications and Marketing

905.721.2000 ext. 2333


Meghan Ney

Communications and Marketing

905.721.2000 ext. 6219